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"Magister Illyrio Mopatis from Pentos comes to discuss further trade" Those were the first words I heard this morning from Morgana. "Illyrio Mopatis... ah! Of course, Danny's warden... I wonder what has been of that girl, Morgana... tell Tommy to send a letter to our base in Essos, I want to know what happened to the Targaryen girl." She walks out to meet Tommy as Elyn, Tayta and I make our way to the throne room to meet an old friend.

Once I get there Doran and Oberyn are already exchanging words with the fat git from Essos and decided to make myself known. "Forgive me old friend I would have given you a proper welcome, but I didn't know you were coming" Illyrio turns around and in seconds recognizes me, a huge grin makes way on his face and he approached me and kisses my hands saying "Lady Davina... oh sorry, Lady Lannister. We meet again" Doran and Oberyn look like two fish caught off the water, clueless, so cute.

"Actually Magister Illyrio it is Lady Martell now" he takes a step back and smiles again "My apologies, Lady Martell... it is a good thing that I find you here old friend, I want to discuss further trade with your kingdom but no one ever answered my plea so I came to talk business face to face" hmm you sly fat git. "Things have been hectic Magister we shall talk now, nevertheless first I have two questions of great importance" he looks delighted and says "Ask anything and I shall answer" soooo easily controlled.

"Have you brought me cheese? *soft laugh* and... What happened to the girl? " let the game continue. As expected he did bring cheese and I was not about to hide my joy, it truly is the greatest cheese I have ever tried, and as for Daenerys, he heard that she is with child. Other than that he hasn't heard from her since her wedding day. The only interesting fact about such an event was his gift to her... three dragon eggs... amazing, I scolded him and told him he should have gifted me at least one for my wedding, and so he promised to send me one the moment he got back to his state. Once I finished my pleasantries I let Oberyn and Doran talk business with him, settling on trade which much to my delight, included cheese.

All the while Oberyn had a firm grasp on my inner thigh, men are so territorial it's almost adorable. He had to get back the same day, his crew will be exhausted. It is almost cruel to do it, but ah... nevermind, I just remembered that they are slaves. I bid him farewell but Oberyn wouldn't let me accompany him back to the docks so Doran did instead.

Now we are alone in a sitting room overlooking the city "You need to tell me more about your travels Flower... so that I am prepared to meet pigs like that, he would not stop looking at you, and it pissed me the fuck off" hahaha, you would have a heart attack if I told you everything. "I'm surprised beloved, it was only a week ago that we agreed to be together and give our marriage a chance"

"I already sent Ellaria away, and forgive me if I want to know when I am doing business with one of your past lovers because-" I didn't let him finish and broke into laughter "My lover?! Hahaha! Oh no beloved, I took but one in all those years, and it wasn't him" he looked extremely relieved at that and joined in me laughing "Still Flower, I want to know more about you" I look deep into his eyes, well he did send his whore away "Come I'll show you my treasure vault"

I spend the following three hours showing Oberyn the multiple gifts and trinkets that I had acquired during those years, he was fascinated by all of them but I had to draw a line when he wanted to read my journals "Those beloved I need to authorize" he looked like a kicked puppy and said "I thought we would stop all the secrets Flower"

"Tsk tsk tsk, every girl need her secrets beloved"


Oberyn and I stopped talking and are currently hiding away in my vault hungry for each other, so much so that our shameless erotic sounds I'm sure can be heard by anyone who passes, but he always says that in Dorne you can have sex in the middle of the street and it would be normal. He starts to touch me everywhere, desperate for connection as my hands pull at his hair mercilessly... he grabs hold of my breasts but stops after a few seconds, and breaks our kiss "Flower" ughhh, what? "When was the last time you bleed?" My eyes snap to meet his, but his eyes are very much interested in my breasts... "What?" I ask him breathless, annoyed he interrupted such a perfectly erotic moment.

"I have been around enough pregnant women to recognize a pair of swollen breasts, and yours used to be much smaller" I turn down to look at them in my very revealing dress and start thinking, "I don't know, everything been so crazy I stopped paying attention to it" He grabs my face so delicately and whispers "Try Flower"

"Ughh... I guess the last time was a week before our wedding" wait a fucking minute, that was over three months ago. Realization hits both of us and immediately he starts walking us back to the palace, when he spots Tayta he orders her to send a doctor to my chambers.

Once he was there, Oberyn sent everyone out of the room and did not let go of my hand, neither one of us dared say a word while the magister examined me. "Well your majesties I can say with absolute certainty that you my Lady are indeed with child. I'm surprised we didn't see it sooner, by my calculations it most likely happened soon after your wedding Congratulations." The doctor leaves my chamber and there is silence. Oberyn still doesn't let go of my hand and has gone deadly still but all I can think of right now is, "Oh gods, why now?"

He turns to look at me with tears off, I can only assume joy, and a confused look. "Now is not the time, I'm not ready.... What do I do? I can't even guarantee my own safety. How am I supposed to protect this baby? Oh gods no..." I get off the bed and go around him, making my way to the pitchers, I need water.

Oberyn doesn't make a sound as he approaches me very slowly from behind "Flower, what's wrong? I told you that you are safe, I will protect you please... This is a happy occasion." I put down my now empty goblet and turn to look at him, his expression breaks my heart, he is so hopeful but...

"Trust is for the weak, love can destroy a person, and family can become your worst enemy... Those were the exact words I told that girl I met in Essos, a girl that was sold just like me... I see now that maybe they are not entirely true but I'm just not entirely sure yet, and I am barely getting by in this place, haven't established myself, and now I have to worry over my child's life.... "

He didn't say a word, he just looks me up and down and very slowly brings me in for a hug, and we just hold each other in silence. A swarm of emotions come crashing into me, all from joy to terror and I just break a little piece of my walls and cry in the arms of my husband "Davina. Please believe me when I say that you ARE safe here, with me, this marriage thing is new but we will make it work...I will not let anyone touch you because you are my wife. Do you understand?"

I control my tears and nod my head, he holds my face with such delicacy and still with tears and the biggest smile I have seen, he whispers "We are having a baby" I don't know just how truly fucked up I am because of my father, but at this moment in his arms I feel safe... Cersie can lose her mind and order half of Westeros be executed tomorrow and I would still be safe in his arms... so I finally smile back at him and whisper "We are having a baby."

Right here, right now, in his arms, with his child growing in me I start to wonder... Is this what true happiness is supposed to feel like?


Luckily exam weeks are over sooo..... What did you think? Please vote and comment.

Stay tuned, there are more songs to be played.

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