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Davina's POV

Silence has become the host of our lunch as Oberyn is leaning on his chair, looking straight into my eyes, and having a visible internal battle. Ha I may have caught him off guard, and then he speaks with that excruciatingly sexy accent "So, basically what you are saying is that we are free to fuck whoever we want for the next six years and in exchange you ask that I write you letters every week, but never actually send them to you" he looks at me curious.

I lean into the table, showing a little more of my cleavage, to where his eyes wander for the fifth time, and respond with a simple "Yes." They snap back to meet mine, "Why?" He is clearly confused.

"I'm not a fool Martell, I know you would've still fucked every person that crossed your path regardless of my opinion, feeling, or other sentimental shit. Hence this arrangement, it's simple really... that way you don't forget about me, your future wife. So that when we do marry and essentially become one before the seven, we are not just two complete strangers sharing a bed."

I lean backwards and wait, your move Martell.


Oberyn's POV

So this is your plan Flower, too somehow become a constant reminder in my head about our future until the day we wed, smart. I get up from my seat, and before she can move I put my hands at both sides of her chair, caging her, she clearly is caught off guard.

And start closing the distance, I lean forward and plant a soft kiss in her neck and whisper into her ear "So that is why you wanted to speak to me in such a private place, to discuss our future sex life, bold move Flower" she takes in a shaky breathe making me to smirk seeing the effect I have on her.

"You wish Martell. It was merely to keep away all the unwanted eyes and ears from this scandalous conversation." Unwanted eyes, is that why she wore such a dress? I went hard just by looking at her body so I guess it is a good thing we are alone.

Alone huh? "I have a proposition as well Flower" I stare into those captivating green eyes as she raises an eyebrow telling me to continue "You will have a viper somewhere in you body, from this day, till your last." 

My request certainly caught her attention, she broke out of my caging arms, and stood with her back to me "Why?" Easy, to show the whole bloody world that you body is only mine to fuck "So that you and others never forget that.... At the end of the day, you are my wife, and your body is mine."

She turned to look back at me and once again I can't help but scan her body, ah the things I could do to you "You've got yourself a deal, but make no mistake Martell... I belong to no one but myself" she then reaches upwards and with her small hand, cups my cheek and looks as if she is studying every inch of me, oh fuck it, she leaves in a day anyway. I grab the side of her head with my hand while the other snakes around her waist, bringing her impossibly close to me, and crash my lips with hers.

She clearly wasn't expecting it, but in a matter of seconds I felt her hands resting on my chest, I'm sure she could feel my rapid heartbeat. Her soft lips started moving with mine, the kiss turning more passionate by the second, our tongues interlacing, fighting, she tastes so sweet.

When she suddenly pushed me away.


Davina's POV

No. This is exactly what he wants, you under his control, snap out of it! I push his body away. "Get off me Martell" I snarled as I regained my breath and stared into those ridiculously dark eyes of my most annoyingly handsome betrothed.

"Hush now Flower, you said so yourself, one day we will be one. You will be mine." Oberyn said, as he gradually started moving closer. Somehow, he had managed to cage me again, between a wall and his arms. Don't give in, Davina, he is playing you.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that he was inches from my face, we were so close I could smell the blue pie and wine in his breath. No, this is some sort of manipulation, he wants me to trust him. "I belong to no one Martell"Once again I push him away and start making my way out of my garden.

Before I could register what was happening he grabbed me by the waist and pressed my back into his hard chest, lowered his head so his lips grazed my neck sending tingles down my spine, and said "Flower, don't walk away from me, I'm not done talking." Oberyn started moving one of his hands further south, dangerously close to my core, a small moan left my lips, feeling my arousal as he touched me. Gods he is good.

I could feel his smirk against my neck as he said "Look Flower, we have come to an agreement, one that I will honor for the years to come. So why don't we relax and make the most of what little time we have, hmmm?" That is when my common sense kicked back in, so I roughly grabbed his hand and stopped it from moving any further, turned to look at him. Taking a page from his book, I placed my hand on top of his crotch, I felt him immediately harden under my touch, fuck, why is he so big?

And looked into his eyes as I said "Look Martell, we have indeed come to an agreement, however that does not mean that I am yours, not even marriage will make me yours.... That is something you are gonna have to earn. You are gonna have to earn me." Oberyn started closing the distance, once again, between our lips as he held onto my waist, not again Martell.

I stopped him by placing my finger on his lips "My Prince, don't be so bold now, you have multiple lovers that would get very sad seeing you right now." He just smiled and took my finger sensually in his mouth, making me wet and rub my legs together at his action, oh he is very good.

And so feeling bold myself, I took back my finger and leaned into him, a hand still on top of his growing cock, as the other made its way to the back of his neck. Making him lower his head so that my lips were just about gracing his ear, as I whispered "We will part ways tomorrow and not meet each other until the day we are to marry, until then we are free to do, and fuck, whoever we see fit." I started to walk away from him, however I decided to turn around out of curiosity.

The look in his face was unreadable, was it anger or lust? A mixture of both? "And remember, my prince, you keep your end of the deal and I will keep mine. From this day till my last." With that I left him in the gardens, alone with his thoughts.


As I reached my chambers my face, I'm sure, was now as crimson red as the Lannister sigil. I was so flustered by the memory of his rough lips on mine, his hand near my core, and my own on top of his crotch. Gods, what an eventful afternoon.

As I laid in my bed, with the crash of waves as my favorite noise in the background, I made a promise to myself "Oberyn, my prince, you can have all the lovers you wish but once we are married I'll make you desire no one but me. For I am a lion and you will hear me roar."


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