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"Davi, I really don't want to go. It is pointless, I'm still not over Blue and besides who is going to pay any attention to some blind girl" oh, by the seven "Morgana I swear you are worse than Brienne, and that is saying a lot considering the woman refuses to put on a gods damned dress!" I looked back to Brienne still in a towel refusing to put on the dress I picked for her.

"Davina, I will not wear a dress, it looks ridiculous. I will just stay behind with Morgana, I also have zero interest in meeting a man tonight" I swear I am going to kill her, Tayta being as frustrated as I am intervened "Fucking hells, it is not about meeting men Brienne, well for me and Davi maybe, but it is also about going to a party with your friends, enjoying ourselves, and dancing. Now put the bloody dress on. Morgana you are also coming. That is final" you truly understand me Tayta.

Elyn made a little hop to the other room and came back with their dresses "Good now that you are ordered to go by our Lady and Tayta, Morgana your dress is a deep blue and very flowy. Brienne yours is very simple, but look we found this in the market, it still kind of states that you are a knight and a lady. Now move your buts and get ready while I finish Davi's hair" you are the kindest of us all Elyn.

When Elyn left to help Morgana get in her dress I could see Tayta's eyes follow her with a certain glow in her eyes, oh my, so obvious "Tayta?" she broke her stare and turned to me "Hmm?" ...

"Since when do you have feelings for Elyn? And before you even think about denying it, remember that I see everything, including that glow in your eyes when you look at her" she started laughing and answered "Glow? I don't know what you are talking about Davi" well alright then, my next mission is match maker for you girls. "Mhm, whatever you say"


When we arrived in the state all my men were giving me puppy eyes to let them go "Haha, enjoy yourself boys and remember our rules, don't do anything too stupid, see you tomorrow morning..." and with that all my men took off into their party with the rest of the servants at the back of the state.

"Alright girls, dance dirty with someone for me will you? I have to go to the boring noble party" I started making my way up the main stairs towards the garden when I turned to them once more "Brienne, Morgana, if I'm not satisfied with Tayta's report tomorrow you are going to sleep with the boys for a whole week... have fuuuun" that should encourage them to actually talk to people.

Lord Amos was waiting for me at the entrance looking very regal and might I say handsome in an old fun uncle kind of way, "Ah, my guest of honor, you look beautiful Lady Davina" he kissed the back of my hand and started leading me towards the party "You are very kind Lord Amos, everything looks beautiful please give your wife my praise" praise for spending a shit ton of money.

A couple of hours into the party, I had already befriended the rest of the nobles, but there were just too many people and I needed air. I made my way deeper into the gardens when I saw a maid walk out from behind a gardenia patch looking... freshly fucked, how erotic to do it in the open, irresponsible but thrilling. Shortly after her a man appeared, he was fixing his shirt, and met my eyes with his bright blue ones- hold on those eyes.

*gasp* "You! You are the brute that ran into me in the flower market" recognition flashed across his face "Ah, yes. I am deeply sorry for that by the way, I was on the run from a very angry father" the baker, hu interesting

"Yes the baker, I assume as our dear maid here you laid with his daughter carelessly. What, did you take her in the middle of the kitchen?" he just smirked at me, and started moving closer "Yes, to both" by the seven, he truly is a brute.

He smelled like sea and mint, but was way too close so I started walking away deeper into the gardens. When I felt him follow I continued "By the looks of you I will go ahead and assume that you are here with the generals of the Second Sons" he reached my side, gracing my arm with his "You are correct again, my Lady. Someday however I will be a captain not just a lieutenant or a pretty face for them to rail up clients and get money from gorgeous noble ladies, like yourself"

Ha! What a flirt "How bold of you sir, to speak so freely to a noblewoman" he stood right in front of me and looked me top to bottom, his eyes lingering shamelessly on my breasts "I simply acknowledged your beauty... I joined the Second Sons because I fight for beauty" fight for beauty? ha! he'll die young. I sidestepped him and continued.

"Beauty? Like the baker's daughter? Then tell me, why do it? why ruin her chances of marriage? why not just pay for a whore?" with that he grabbed onto my shoulders, turned me around and said "The gods gave men two gifts to entertain ourselves before we die: the thrill of fucking a woman who wants to be fucked, and the thrill of killing a man who want to kill you" his words were so raw, and all the while he ran his fingers softly up and down my arms.

The way his mind seems to work is incredible "I beg to differ Sir, I consider the gifts of the gods to be: the thrill of killing your enemy without getting blood in your dress, and the thrill of laying with a man who fought to get you" he started closing the distance between our faces.

Until I put my fingers on his lips stopping him mid air "Of course, the second one being with my future husband and whoever comes after... Until then good sir, have a splendid night"

He looked positively shocked, as I walked I turned to him for one las question "What is your name Sir?" a smile reached his blue eyes and with a seductive tone "Daario Naharis, and yours my Lady?" With a last smile and no answer I walked away, back to the party.

Something tells me this one be the last I see of you Daario Naharis.


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