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Davina POV

After a month at sea we finally arrived in Braavos. When we arrived at port, my father's men were already waiting for us. "Lady Lannister, it's truly a pleasure to meet you. Now if you and your men would be so kind as to follow me. I'll take you to where you will be staying," and so we did. We arrived at a beautiful manor that had a garden right in the middle of it to separate the four buildings surrounding it.

"Your men will be staying at the sides, arrangements have been made so that they all are very comfortable in their stay. As for you my Lady, your chambers are in the middle building at the top floor, only the best for you Lady Lannister" gods, he is such a kiss ass.

However before I make way to them, I turn to my men, "Get settled in, we will all dine together, non negotiable. Henry, I'm talking to you" the men laugh at my comment, well if Henry had it his way the man would already be miles away exploring the city like a lone wolf, he always prefers his own company like any good northerner. "Yes my Lady, I'll be there" "Good. Now show me to my oh so marvelous chambers" this a say with a hint of mockery, one my men pick up on and start to chuckle.

My chambers are situated right above the dining space and has a great view of the city, "This is it my Lady, the servants are very capable and will look after your every need" ah, he is finally gonna leave *smirk* "Well, this is beautiful like you said. Now sir, you may leave. However, when you report back to my father please do tell him that if I find another of his men meddling in my journey, I will cut off all communication with him" you can't control me here father.

Once I turn to look at the messenger he is looking sickly pale "M-m-my lady, I fear I don't understand what you mean, I'm sim-" agh fool, I cut him off abruptly "Sir do not insult my intelligence, I know Tywin Lannister sent you to report back on me, so do your job and report back to him along with my message. And for your own good I better not see you again. Do you understand?"

I take a seat by the window and await his answer, he looks sick, nevertheless he responds "Of course Lady Lannister, I'm terribly sorry. Enjoy Braavos" oh I'm planning on it.

After a courtesy he leaves my chambers just as the last of my, and the girl's language arrives. Immediately Edlyn and Tayta begin putting everything away, and Brienne does the same in her chamber, however all I hear is the clash of metal, by the seven, how many weapons did the woman bring?


Oberyn POV

After three weeks we made it back to Sunspear and I finally got to see my girls again. Obara and Nymeria are my number one priority, I never understood the love of a parent for his child, but after Obara was handed to me, and she held my finger in her little hand I understood. I would kill the King himself to protect my daughters.

So I'm in the gardens watching as they play, when I feel Doran sits next to me, "Brother, you've been ignoring me since we left Lannisport. Are you? Or are you not gonna tell me what happened with Davina that afternoon?" for fuck sake.

"Fuck off Doran, what ever might or might have not happened between me and her is none of your buisness." "Come on Oberyn, do you think I'm a fool" yes "Well.." he lifts his hand and silences me "Don't answer. *sigh* it's just that the morning she left, gods Oberyn I could've cut the tension in the air with a knife"

She is something else isn't she?, wait no no no "Look brother you want to know what happened. Fine then, we talked and struck a deal and the next day she left... Sure I messed with her a little and she with me nothing else" she was good, Doran looked clueless "What do you mean you messed with her?" He is not gonna like it, so fuck it "Yeah, I teased her she teased me with her glorious breasts and I gave her a tattoo. But like- "

"You gave her a tattoo!" haha he looks pissed, "Yes, I claimed my property in advance" "Oberyn she is not a thing, she is not property, she is a girl" like hell she isn't "Look brother you take care of your son and don't meddle in my life.. And fuck yeah she is my property, that is what marriage is you imbecile, nothing less nothing more." marriage is a transaction.

After I left Oberyn and my daughters for the day, in my chambers I just can't get her out of my head. Those lips, the way her tiny body felt pressed against mine, her moans and grunts as I tattooed her back. Shit, I get hard just remembering that night and in the morning her ass pressed against my cock, teasing me. Gods, she was good but at the end of the day it was just a game of seduction.

She didn't buy it, didn't get to fuck her, so it wasn't much of a success. I don't know why in the fuck I was so head strong in claiming her as mine. I know I won't ever love her.... yet no one, but me will please her, that is my promise to you Davina.

You are mine, Flower.


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