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I left Daario behind and rushed with Toko back to the state, I jumped off the mare and ran to my chambers where Henry, Tommy, and Brienne were waiting for us. "Mordred guard the door no one comes in... Tommy, Toko... speak"

Tommy look positively pale but nonetheless answers "Lord John Arryn of the Veil is dead" *gasp* "By the gods" this is not possible, he was reported to be in perfect health in last month's report.

"Do we know the cause?" Cersei please don't tell me you were reckless enough to kill the one man that was holding together the kingdom.

Now Toko spoke "No My Lady, the maester said it was a very sudden death. He couldn't find any traces of poison either... he just died in his sleep" no he didn't. Henry scoffed besides me and turned toToko "No one 'just dies' in their sleep Toko, especially a trained warrior like Lord Arryn. He was fierce... and well respected in the North"

Brienne then voiced her thoughts "Regardless of his cause of death, what now? The King as much as I respect him has done nothing for the realm in seventeen years. Who will be his Hand now?" I turn to face Henry, he is thinking the same as me, I know it.

"Lord Eddard Stark," Henry said with pride written all over his face. This is too much, I stood up and made my way to the window. The rest waiting for my answer.

"Things will get very complicated back in Westeros. The King and my sister should already be on their way to Winterfell to retrieve Lord Stark... He will take charge of the kingdom instead of my pathetic brother-in-law. It wouldn't surprise me either if he took his daughters with him to Kingslanding... the oldest, Sansa, will most likely be promised to Jeoffrey."

Eddard Stark in Kingslanding, fuck this can either save the kingdom and finish the debt Robert has to my father or it can all got to hell. "Toko, Tommy. Send word to everyone to be vigilant of Lord Stark and his daughters, Sansa to be specific, her future relationship with my nephew worries me."

Toko and Tommy leave immediately to port, so that the next ship can carry my message. Silence engulfs the room and it is Brienne that speaks "Davi, why are you so worried about Lord Stark?" Because he is righteous and loyal to no end and that means trouble

"Because Brienne, that castle holds more secrets than you can ever imagine, and if he starts poking around many will be displeased, even angry"

Now it is Henry that speaks, with stern and true voice "My Lady, I as well as Mordred are loyal to you, we will protect and care for you as long as you'll have us... and it is because I care that I tell you this, hear my warning... if any harm comes to Lord Stark, the North will rise, don't forget who's banners ended the Mad King's reign."

That is exactly what worries me. I pray to the gods that my sister for once in her life keeps her head low with him.


Night fell and I can not master the strength to get out of my room. John Arryn was a good man, he cared for his wife and son greatly and did the best he could to keep the kingdom afloat.

I might have to cut short our time in Essos, I'll tell Tayta and Toko to inform our host that we will be arriving to Lys sonnet than expected. I don't want to go back before it is time but I have a bad feeling about the future.

Going back would mean dealing with Oberyn and his paramour before time, marrying him when he loves another. Of course their relationship could end before I return, but if it doesn't it will become one more obstacle in my life. There is also the huge matter of my siblings incest and I pray Eddard does not figure it out... if he steps out of place even once, I'm sure Cersie will make life impossible for those poor girls.

Gods, nyke jorepagon.  Urnēbagon toliot īlva, mīsagon se dārion, ñuha lentor, ivestragī konīr sagon dombo ānogar spilled. Ȳdragon lēda se jaes uēpys se ivestragī zirȳ guide Edhārd isse iā ȳgha path, qrīdrughagon hen ñuha mandia (Gods, I pray. Watch over us, protect the kingdom, my family, let there be no more blood spilled. Speak with the old gods and let them guide Eddard in a safe path; away from my sister.)


Three days have gone by and today I am meeting Daario again, so here I am waiting for him near the dragon's skeleton. When I felt his arms hold me from behind, I can feel his hot breath in my neck "You know, you are the first woman to ever run from me"

"I do apologize for that but it was a very important matter, and I'm making it up to you, am I not?" His arms just pressed me closer to his front and I can feel his lips graze my skin, giving me goosebumps until *gasp* he starts nibbling at my ear.

"Davina you drive me mad, but I want you so bad. Secrets and all" his right hand started moving further south, and just as his left one started pulling at my skirt I stopped him. "You are very tempting Lieutenant... but as I told you the night we met... only after I marry" I said between breaths, calming my heart.

Oh but I'm not done experimenting whatever this is. I twisted my body in his hold so that I am facing him, resting my hands on his hard chest "I have a feeling that things back at home will get progressively worse, so I am cutting my journey short... that said, I have a proposition for you" and I really hope you agree to be my distraction. "Go on..."

"More than half of my crew and I are leaving for Lys in a month's time... and I want you to come with me" I can feel his body tense, his grip on my waist tighten, and his blue eyes turning slightly darker "Dear, you are giving me mixed signals... asking me to go with you to the capital of sex, but you won't let me touch you"

I got on my tippitoes, our faces so close I can feel his breath on my lips "You can touch me, you just can't have me... besides I find watching just as exciting" with that he lost all control, Daario smashed his lips to mine. He squeezed my ass, making me gasp, him taking the opportunity to take his tongue in my mouth. The kiss turned hungry, fast.

When we finally pulled apart, in need of air his smirk was replaced with a perfect white smile. "My dear, you are something else... yes I will go with you to the world's capital of sex"


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