chapter two

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"I love you so much." Jacob says as he smiles at Chresanto. Chresanto picked Jacob up by his thighs and spun him around. "Oh, really? How much do you love me?" Chresanto laid him down on the couch and laid on top of him. Jacob leaned up to kiss Chresanto and wrapped his arms around his neck. They kissed for a few seconds before Jacob pulled away biting his lip.

"How much do you love me?" Jacob asked. Chresanto sat up straddling Jacob's waist and put on a face as if he was thinking. "Enough to come out to all of your fans?"

Chresanto sighed and sat back off of Jacob. "Jacob, baby, you know-"

"Chresanto. It's been three weeks since you broke up with Kiloni. It's not even as bad as you think. I'm out and I'm fine." Jacob shrugs. "You're not me though, you don't know how I feel. I have millions of fans who love me out there. Everyone isn't okay with being gay. You don't have millions of followers watching your every move when you go out."

Jacob sighed as he slid over on the couch and wrapped his arm around Chresanto. "You will make the choice that's right for you at the right time. I love you regardless." 

"I love you, too."

Jacob frowned as Chresanto tightened his arms around the smaller boy. "We could stay in and listen to some music and cuddle and watch TV and have fun here."

"Sounds great." he lied looking up at Chresanto with a smile. "One day," he thought.


"You've got three interviews today and one guest appearance. Your publicist also has someone she wants you to meet." his manager told him. "Who is it?"

"I don't know. She just told me there was a someone she wanted you to meet."


"Well, let's go. We can't be late."

Mackenzie pushed him out of the door and Jacob silently trailed after them. "You alright, babe?" Chresanto asked. "You sure you can do that without everyone thinking you're gay?" Jacob sneered as he walked faster towards the awaiting car in the front of the building. Chresanto sighed and tried catching up with him but Jacob was already inside the car.

"Jacob, I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Jacob snapped. "For not being able to make you happy. I know you want me to come out to everyone, but ... I- not right now, I can't."

Jacob sighed as he leaned his head against the window. "Okay, I know. I can wait."

Chresanto smiled as he leaned over to kiss Jacob's cheek. Jacob chuckled and rolled his eyes.


Chresanto yawned as he came out of the small grey building. He had been asked the same questions all day. 

Are you okay after what happened between you and Kiloni?

Are you seeing anyone new?

They were currently on their way to dinner with Chresanto's publisher and the mystery person that she wanted Chresanto to meet. She'd told Chresanto not to bring Jacob and to just come with his manager so Jacob had gone back to their hotel room after the second interview. His manager had to take a call before he would join them inside.

Chresanto walked into the dimly lit restaurant and saw his publicist stand from the table she was seated at. "Good afternoon, Chresanto. I hope you day has been well." She smiled before taking her seat again as he sat down. Chresanto smiled at her and nodded. He had almost missed the gorgeous dark-skinned goddess sitting next to her.

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