chapter thirteen

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The dinner was just like when Frank met his mom. Everyone just went around the table telling embarrassing stories about the time they spent with Jacob.

Jacob just sat there stuffing his face full of salad, pizza and Alfredo.

"You alright babe?" Frank asked in a whisper as his family carried on conversations with one another. "Yeah, just a little embarrassed."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's just me and think all these stories are so adorable." Frank pecked Jacob's lips and then smiled at him.

Jacob felt an overwhelming urge to tell Frank he loved him. He suppressed it by telling himself that it'd be weird and it would ruin whatever relationship they'd developed in the almost two months that they'd been together.

Jacob sat back and listened to the stories told and laughed. He frowned as well because he had missed this. He missed all these fun times and all the family dinners. He knows that he's been forgiven, but he still can't help but feel terrible about not being here.

"You alright Jacob?" His mom asked rubbing his thigh. "I'm just really happy to be here." He sighed contentedly.


"Sources say that you're doing a song with Frank Ocean. Is that correct?" The talk show host, Lauren asked. "Well, I want to do a song with him, my people haven't even gotten back to me yet. I don't even know how word got out."

She laughed, "so if this does end up happening? Will you both write the song together? I think the songs you've written are amazing, and the songs Frank wrote are amazing too and so to bring those two together would be completely mind blowing."

"Uh, I do hope we get to write together, even if we end up not being able to sing together, I think just writing with Frank would be enough."

"Alright and we're gonna wrap this up with a few relationship questions for you and Justine."

Justine perked up beside him grabbing his hand.

"Earlier today, we got news that Frank was having lunch with Jacob's family. Have you two met each other's families yet?"

"No," Justine answered, "Before we started really dating we didn't really know each other and now we've been so busy that we haven't even really talked about meeting each other's families."

"Have you celebrated anything together? Gone to any clubs together? Anything like that?"

Chresanto looked over to Justine who shook her head, "I don't think we have."

"And lastly, one question that we all want to know about. We had never seen you two together before the time that you had lunch together and then you announced that Justine would be joining you on your tour. Is this a poorly planned publicity stunt?"


Frank pushed Jacob up against the door as they kissed sloppily pulling on whatever article of clothing they could get their hands on. Jacob pulled back and then put his hand on Frank's chest as he started to stray his breathing.

"We can't do this." Jacob panted. "I have to leave tomorrow. I want something to remember you by." Frank whined.

"Take some pictures." Jacob laughed stepping out of Frank's grasp and then going to sit on the bed. "Alright take off all of your clothes."

"Not those kind of pictures."

Frank whined again, "Baby please."

Jacob laughed again. "No."

"So what you're telling me is you don't want to have sex with me even though I'll be gone for two and a half weeks and we won't be able to until I get back."

"Yes." Jacob nodded. "You're such a bad boyfriend."

"Really? Am I?"


"Then is guess I'll just throw away this extra ticket that I bought so I could come with you." Jacob said as he leaned over and reached inside the nightstand drawer and pulled out an envelop. "You're gonna come?"

Jacob bit his lip and nodded. "It's not like I have anything to do?" He shrugged sighing.

Frank patted his cheek, "you'll find something soon. But until them you can travel around the world with me."


"Oh my god you guys handled that so well. I've taught you so well, I'm so proud." Chresanto's publicist praised for the amazing save the completed on live television.

"A publicity stunt? Adding another person to a tour on such short notice could be bad for ticket sales and just popping up out of the blue with a girl friend could also be bad for my fan following. I risked it all just so that the world could know that Justine was mine. A publicity stunt is meant to gain more publicity. If I was going to lose publicity why would I even risk it?"

Justine smiled. "That was really great."

Chresanto shrugged. "I had to."

"And it's great that you did and as a reward take the rest of the day off. Go on a date. Do whatever you want."

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