chapter seventeen

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Jacob and Frank walked back to the bus, hand in hand happily singing along to the music playing in the earbuds they were sharing. They stopped in front of the door and turned towards each other, pulling the earbuds out of their ears.

"I want to tell you something and I don't want you to overreact." Frank spoke. "I won't. I promise." Jacob grabs his hands and smiles. Frank smiles back then looks at the ground before looking back up at Jacob. "I, uh, I guess I should just-" He stops and scratches his head before blurting, "Jacob, I love you."

Jacob just sort of stands there with his eyes wide, staring at Frank. "I-I know, it's soon, but I feel it and you don't have to say it back. I just felt like you should know. I hope this doesn't change our relation-"

Jacob lets go of his hands and grabs his face, pulling him into a kiss. He pulls away after a couple of seconds, still holding his face. "Okay, first, calm down, okay?" Jacob smiles and rubs his face softly. "Our relationship isn't going to change, alright? Because I feel the same way."

Frank smiles. "You do?"

Jacob nods. "And you aren't just saying this to make me happy? You really love me too?"

Jacob nods again. "Then say it. Tell me you love me."

Jacob takes a deep breath, "I love you. Frank Ocean, I love you."

Frank picks him up and spins him around before kissing him. "I love you. I love you." Frank recites.

"I love you too. Now let's go inside. It's late." Jacob says as he opens the door and pulls Frank inside. 

They stop when the see Chresanto sitting alone at the table eating a salad. Well, not really eating, mostly just pushing the leaves around.

Chresanto stood when he noticed them. "Uh, hey." He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "Can I- Can I talk to you, Jacob? Alone?" He looks back and forth between Frank and Jacob. Frank grips Jacob's hand tighter and Jacob rubs his hand and smiles at him before nodding. "I'll be back in a sec."

Frank gives Chresanto a hard glare before going back towards the bunks and shuts the door quietly.

Chresanto sits back down at the plate of salad and continues to push it around. "It's pretty late to be eating." Jacob starts. "I know. I thought I was hungry and my manager told me to just eat something light, but I guess I'm not. Been sitting here playing with it for about twenty minutes." 

"What'd you want to talk about?" 

"I wrote my song. I did it all by myself. I want you to listen to it." 

Jacob just stares at him. "It's weird. I know, but I can only get real judgement from you. My team's just gonna try to spare my feelings and... I'm not comfortable sharing it with Justine."

"You're not comfortable? She's your girlfriend and you're not comfortable with her? Wow." Jacob laughed. "Will you just listen to the song?"


Chresanto plugged his headphones into his phone and then passes them to Jacob. "Don't be too harsh."

Jacob scoffs before putting the headphones  on his head. "You said you wanted and honest opinions. If it's shit, I'm gonna tell you."

Chresanto presses play and then a piano comes in. "I thought this was supposed to be something about being famous. This intro doesn't build it up to be that way."

"I changed my mind. Just listen." 

 Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same
When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down
'Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name  

Jacob looks up at Chresanto when the chorus comes and he's staring at him with sort of a smile. 

 Too young, too dumb to realize
That I should've bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should've gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party
'Cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby's dancing
But she's dancing with another man  

Jacob took the headphones off. "What's wrong? Is it that bad."

"Why are you doing this?" Jacob asked. "Doing what?" Chresanto asked. 

"You wrote the song and asked me to listen to it. It's obviously about us. Is this some ploy to get me back?"

"Jacob, list-"

"If you even though this was going to move me, at all, you were wrong. You didn't even have the balls to say the correct pronouns. You haven't changed and you never will." Jacob spat.

Jacob quickly stands of and walked back to the bunks slamming the door. 

Frank stood up from the edge of the bed and turned towards Jacob. "Are you okay?"

Jacob took a deep breath, "I would just rather not be here anymore."

"What happened? I could pull my song and we could go home if you want."

Jacob shook his head. "No. I just- Can we just lay down? I just want to sleep."

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