chapter fourteen

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Jacob sat staring at the black screen of his phone. "I risked it all so that the world could know Justine was mine' kept repeating in his head ad he stared. "Babe, you ready?" Frank asked peeking his head in the door.

Jacob jumped and quickly put his phone away into his pocket. "Yeah. Just watching some videos."

"We have to go so I'll take your stuff down now." Frank grabbed Jacobs bags off the bed and then carried them out of the room and then downstairs. Jacob took out his phone again unlocking it and then staring at the screen. He was gonna press play again but Frank called him.

"You alright?" Frank asked as he opened the car door for him. Jacob nodded and gave a fake smile. "Alright then."


"The flight should arrive in a couple of minutes. Try to get along with him seeing as he did steal your man. He'll also be staying on the tour bus with you until you two finish writing and recording the song. This is for your career do not ruin it." Libby told Chresanto. He just rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat.

He could hear the fans screaming from  inside the airport. They got louder and Chresanto figured that Frank was making his way through the crowd now.

There was a knock on the window a few minutes later from their driver and Chresanto opened the door.


"Who are you writing with?" Jacob asked as they stepped off the plane. "My manager didn't tell me. Surprise I guess." Frank shrugged as they walked up to a black van where a man in a suit was waiting by the door. "Good evening, Mr. Ocean and Mr. Perez."

Jacob smiled and nodded his head and Frank held his hand out for the man to shake. The man knocked on the window of the van before whoever was inside pushed it open.

Jacob's eyes widened when he saw Chresanto.

Frank looked back at Jacob and grabbed his hand squeezing it to show some form of comfort. "Uh, hello. How are you two today?" Chresanto's publicist asked. "Great. It's great to be here." Jacob said snapping out of his daze and putting on a smile as he climbed into the back. Frank got in after him, staying silent.

"It's delightful to be working with you Frank. We're all gonna go out and get lunch now. Well you guys are, I have important business to attend to. Chresanto you should call Justine to meet you there. Like a cute little double date. The media will go crazy over that."

Jacob scoffed quietly. She was still the same.

"Uh, driver could you please drop me off at my office."


It was awkward as they sat in the restaurant not saying anything to one another. "You haven't said anything since we got into the car. I'd rather not work with someone who isn't going to talk. We just won't get anywhere, will we?" Frank said breaking the silence.

"My publicist requested that you didn't bring Jacob along. I didn't think I'd have to see him again. I'm just- I don't know."

"Well, don't worry about him. I'm here to write with you, he's here for me." Frank smiled at Jacob. "I didn't invite you here so I could be bitter with you over Jacob. I want a number one song and you're the only one I think that can help me achieve that."

"That's good because that's what I came to help you do." Frank smiled. "It's good we're on the same page."

"So will you be staying here?" Jacob asked. "No, we'll still be touring."

"So we'll have to like follow you around?"

"You'll be on the tour bus with us."

They sat I'm silence for a few more minutes before Justine came and sat with them.

"It's so nice to meet you Frank and it's good seeing you again Jacob." She greeted as she sat down next to Chresanto.

"So how's your relationship going, you guys look so cute together on the news."

Jacob smiled and leaned his head on Frank's shoulder. It was an awkward lunch and Jacob was just ready to go home.


"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Frank asked. Jacob chuckled, "Seriously, go shower. I don't want to sleep with a stinky man."

Frank smiled and kissed Jacob's forehead before walking out of the lox in room area and going to the shower. Jacob sighed and went back to scrolling down twitter.

He saw multiple videos of Chresanto professing his unconditional love for Justine. He just scrolled past them trying not to get caught up again.

He shouldn't care anyway. He's got Frank and he's happy.

The door leading to the bunks opened and Chresanto stood in the doorway.

"You're in here."

Jacob closed his laptop, "I was just about to leave."

"No. You can stay. I... I need to talk to you." He sat on the opposite end of the couch.

"I miss you."

"Chresanto, don't do this." Jacob shook his head and got up. "Do what?"

"Don't say you miss me."

"I mean we hadn't talked in almost two months." Chresanto shrugged. "The two of is just can't continue to talk and be friends. Not with what we had."

Chresanto sighed, "I'm sorry."


"Wait. I'm sorry for what I said in the interview. I was just trying to save my own ass."

"You do that a lot." Jacob smiled fakely. "You really think I care about what's going on between you and Justine? Whatever, I'm fine. Even if you were telling the truth I'd be fine. I'm over you."

Chresanto looked taken aback. "Is that all you have to say?"

"Jacob, look, I'm sorry. If you just wait until the end of my tour, I promise, baby, I'll do whatever you want me to do."

Jacob scoffed, "You really think that's gonna work. Wait for you for what, Chresanto? So you can choose your career over me again? I'm not doing that to myself again and I'm not gonna do Frank like that."

"Jacob," Chresanto grabbed his wrist. "Chresanto, don't do this."

Chresanto let him go. "Fine. This weekend is about me writing a hit song. I'll leave you alone."

Chresanto got up and walked back towards the bunks. "It's nice seeing you again."

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