chapter seven

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Jacob woke up with the sun shining bright in his face and he was only in his boxers. He sat up feeling a dull ache in his head and he groaned. He doesn't remember much of last night or yesterday as a matter of fact. He just remembers Frank carrying/dragging him to the elevator and then down the hall to his room.

He looked around the room for his pants or even his phone, but he wasn't so lucky. He got up and made his way to the kitchen that was just outside of the bedroom. Frank was leaned against the marble countertop scrolling through his phone. "Good morning." Jacob said as he walked through the threshold. "It's two in the afternoon." Frank smiled as he turned off his phone and put it on the counter.

"Did you get the aspirin I set out for you?" He asked. "Must've missed it, but I'm okay."

Frank smiled, "I guess I'll make something for you now then."

"Or we could order some pizza. I've been craving that for a while." Jacob bites his lip. "Sure."

Frank picks up his phone and dials the number stopping to look at Jacob, "Last night you told me that you'd start following me now that you were getting over Chresanto and turning over a new leaf. Were you serious?"

"I don't know. I haven't been home in a long time and I think right now I just want to settle down before I start going again."

Frank frowns, "I have a couple of shows out in California."

"That's where I live." Jacob smiles making Frank smile as well. "Hmm, smells like fate," he laughs and Jacob joins along with him.


"Jacob Perez spotted going into a hotel with Frank Ocean and get this! He left with his shirt on." The news anchor smiles. "Usually that means that they've slept together, but Frank posted a picture of Jacob sleeping on his shoulder last night and I think they literally just slept. Probably got up to eat breakfast and then Jacob went back to his hotel."

The other news anchor nodded agreeing with her, "I think we all agree that they're hands down the cutest celebrity gay couple of the year. They might even be the cutest couple. Move over Chrestine, Fracob is here!"

Chresanto turned off the tv as he got up and went into the kitchen. He tried to quiet his mind saying that should be me. He knows that he doesn't deserve to say that, he after all, was the one to let Jacob go.

He opened the refrigerator and pulled out his leftover dinner from last night. There were just a few wings left in the box so he put those into the microwave to heat them up.

There was a knock on the door and he assumed it would be either be someone coming to pick up Jacob's clothes for him or Justine.

He was thoroughly surprised to see Jacob standing there.

"Can I come in?" He asked. Chresanto just nodded closing the door behind him as he walked in.

Jacob went to the bedroom and Chresanto followed him. "Don't worry, I'm not here to ruin your career, just came to get my clothes. You don't have to follow me around like I'm some criminal." Jacob smiled. "Can we talk?" Chresanto asked. "I feel like I've heard everything I want to hear from you in that message and I said everything I wanted to say in my last message." Jacob grabbed his bags out of the closet and quickly started to grab his things out of the drawers.

"I'm sorry."

Jacob sighed and stopped what he was doing. "I know you are but that's not going to make any of this stop. We obviously tried to force something that wasn't going to happen. You and I weren't meant for each other and I think it's just now that we're figuring it out. So, no matter how many times you apologize, I'm not staying. I don't want to be friends and I definitely don't want to be your secret lover anymore."

"So just four years of us down the drain?" Chresanto asked. Jacob have a dry laugh, "I wasn't the one who put us there. I guess so."

Jacob started packing his clothes again. "So you and Frank? You're dating?"

"Why is it any of your business?" Jacob snapped.

"Can we at least be civil?"

"No. I don't want to be civil I want to be angry as hell because you took me away from my family with empty promises and it's not until fucking four years later that you tell me how you really feel."

Chresanto was silent then.

"Could you just leave me alone while I do this, please?" Jacob asks.

"Yeah, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

"I'm sure I won't." Jacob mumbled.


"I'll see you around?" Chresanto said as he walked Jacob to the door. "Hopefully not. Let's just end this nicely here and be done with each other. When we pass by each other, we'll pretend we don't even know each other."

Chresanto chuckled, "So just like that. Four years in the trash."

"I asked you to do one thing for me, Chresanto. If the label dropped you so what? I'm sure there are plenty of other labels waiting to pick up an artist as great as you no matter what your sexuality is."

"We don't know that for sure. I could get dropped from the label and no one could want me."

"That's why you made the right choice. Staying on a label is what made you happy all these years, not me. When it comes down to it, you can't have your cake and eat it too. I'm wishing you and Justine a happy relationship and I hope your career does well."

Jacob grabbed the door handle and sighed before opening the door and leaving.

Jacob feels like this signifies the door closing on his relationship with Chresanto and he feels a whole lot lighter. He doesn't turn back to look at the door, he never will, he keeps going foreword until he reaches the elevator.


"Are you okay? How was it?" Frank asked as he helped Jacob out if the car. "I'm fine. I got the closer I needed. I feel great."

"Great enough to go on a date?" Frank asked. "Of course." Jacob smiled.

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