chapter twelve

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"We've got to stop having sex Frank." Jacob laughed as he caught his breath after their latest round of sex. "You're the one who keeps initiating it." Frank laughed. "That's the last time I swear. This is probably unhealthy."

"I'm sure it's not." Frank chuckled as he wrapped and arm around Jacob.

The past three days had been full of sex, kissing, cuddling, and conversation. It was definitely good for their relationship. They haven't checked their phones (Frank did but it was only because his manager was calling) or turned on the tv. It was all about them.

"I don't want this to end. These few days have been so great. I've never felt so good." Jacob smiled reminiscing. Frank bit Jacob's earlobe softly and pulled him closer. "I don't want it to end either, babe, but we've both got our lives on hold for right now and we've got to get back to that."

Jacob groaned, "Make breakfast?"

"I'll make breakfast, babe." He kissed Jacob's shoulder and got out of bed.

Jacob sighed and laid back. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and turned it on.

He got up and pulled on a t-shirt and some sweatpants. He made his way downstairs only then notice how empty his walls were. There were only a few pieces of art hung up none I his family or him. It felt like this was some sort of hotel.

"Frank." Jacob called when he was in the living room. "Yeah?"

"We should take some pictures. The walls are so empty." He told him. "Of us?"

Jacob nodded.

"Alright, find a photographer and I'll be ready."

"I want some with my family too." Jacob added. "That's fine."

It's only been two months but Jacob loves Frank. He's beyond perfect. There's got to be some catch.


Justine and Chresanto were moving their things onto the tour bus when Justine stopped Chresanto and pulled him aside.

"I'm sorry. If that's what it's gonna take for you to stop avoiding me them so be it. I'm sorry for kissing you." She said. "Look Justine, I wasn't avoiding you."

He was. It was awkward and he tends to run away from awkward situations.

"It sure seemed like it. I mean you left the hotel way earlier. You haven't said anything to me all day."

Chresanto rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry. I wasn't avoiding you."

Justine smiled, "Now will you help me get some of my stuff onto the bus?"

Chresanto sighed then nodded before picking up one of her suitcases and carrying it onto the bus.

"Don't get too comfortable guys, the trip isn't too long. Once we get there you'll have to go straight to sound check and rehearsals."

Justine nodded. "I'm so excited. This is all so real."

Chresanto chuckled. "I keep forgetting that you're new to this touring thing."

Justine pushed his shoulder. "You're just downplaying your excitement."

"I'm not excited. This is just normal for me now." Justine rolled her eyes, "can we get something to eat."

"You filled the refrigerator with your fruit."

"The fruit that you bought me."

"Whatever, just eat the fruit. It's better to eat that before a show." Chresanto said as he opened the refrigerator and handed her the bowl of fruit. "Thanks mother."

"I try, child."

Justine rolled her eyes.

"I think I'm gonna ask my stylist for cornrows. Do you think that'll be good?"

"I don't care. That's a girl thing."

Justine rolled her eyes again and then went to the bunks.


"Mom meet Frank. Frank meet my mom."

Jacob felt like his mom should meet Frank before he let him meet his entire family.

"Ah, you're even more handsome in person. It's nice to meet you Frank." She hugged him.

"So have you met Frank's parents?"

Jacob chuckles, "we haven't really talked about that since Frank's parents don't live here."

"Oh, what are they like?" She asked.

"They were great parents. My mom stayed at home and my dad was an architect. I had a pretty great life growing up."

"That's good." She said taking a sip of her lemonade. "I don't really know what to ask you, I feel like I already know you, my nieces have talked about you so much."

"Well then I'll ask you."

"What was Jacob like growing up?"

"Mom don't you dare." Jacob warned. "I have a wallet full of pictures." She smiled deviously searching around in her purse before pulling out and over stuffed worn out wallet.

"This is the first picture ever taken of him." She shows him a picture of Jacob laying in one of the incubators in just a diaper, skin pale as cauliflower.

Frank smiled and giggled over the pictures as she flipped through them describing what had happened in every picture.

"You were such a cute child." Franks smiled rubbing Jacob's cheeks, which are still red from the bath time pictures that she showed him.

"I have more at the house if you'd like to see them."

"No! We have somewhere to be. Really mom thanks for meeting Frank we'll see you at the dinner."

Jacob got up and grabbed Frank's hand pulling him away before he could say goodbye.


"Do you think a song with Frank would be a good idea?" He asked his publicist and she stretched her lips into a thin line. "Justine can you leave for a second."

Justine nodded with a smile standing up and leaving after patting Chresanto on the shoulder.

"You finally got rid of Jacob and you're trying to scheme to get him back?" She said standing up and slamming her hands down in the table. "It's not a scheme. I could do another single. He's hot right now, us together would be amazing."

She closed her eyes and exhaled, "fine, I'll call his people, but I'm gonna request for him to come without Jacob."

"I'm not trying to get back with Jacob, I've moved on and it's clear that he has too."

"Still. Limiting the possibilities." She picked up her phone and waved her hand shooing him out of the room and he bumped into Justine as soon as he did. "So?"

"I'm doing a collab with Frank." He smiled.


LOL so I'm gonna start doing everyday update after today. I decided to go ahead and read the book and finish the report since I have to work registration at my school bc I'm such a good child. After I finish the three stories that I'm currently working on (Daddies, Sheets, and Mr.) I'm gonna do a Daddies sequel and then I'm gonna start a historical fan fiction (?) called White Passing and I'm so excited bc I've got the prologue and first chapter done and it's gonna be a short story and I hope y'all will love it like I love it. And I'm officially not rewriting Baby or Complexion, I'm gonna delete those. I dont like where I was gonna go with them, but I started working on one idea (I think y'all will like it). I'm gonna wait til I finish that bc I'm not sure where I'm going and I don't want y'all to get y'all's hopes up for it to be deleted. That's my plan.

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