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request by Marisol6278Floresta 

Ok so I don't have prosthetics so I don't really know what they're like but I tried to make it kinda realistic? Anyway enjoy

Random fact: I love singing, I'm not great but I'm also not bad either

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Hey, kid, I've got a surprise, come here!" Tony yelled. Peter was down the hall, in his room.

"Coming!" Peter responded, hopping off his bed. He used his arm to balance himself, then reached over to grab his prosthetics. He had lost an arm and a leg, both on his right side. He fumbled with his leg, struggling with trying to get it on with only one hand. He groaned, feeling frustrated and useless.

The young hero had lost his limbs during his fight with the Vulture. It was still fresh in his mind, and it haunted him at night. But during the day, he struggled with his prosthetics, still new to using them. Sighing, Peter put on his arm, then tried again to do his leg. He still couldn't get it right.

"DAD!" The brunette yelled, feeling himself close to tears. He couldn't do anything right, why couldn't he figure it out? It's not like this was his first time using his prosthetics, he was able to get them on by himself before. Tony walked in, followed by a tall blond boy.

"Oh, Pete, again?" His pitiful tone made Peter angry. This wasn't his fault. It was hard to do with only one arm, and he had just gotten his prosthetics two weeks ago. The brunette just crossed his arms, letting his bottom lip stick out a bit. The tall boy just watched from the doorway, fascination in his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Peter shot daggers at the boy, who coolly shrugged them off.

"What can I say, you seem interesting. I'm Harley, nice to meet you." Harley got closer to Peter, sticking his hand out to shake. The brunette hesitantly took his hand, noticing how the blond boy had stuck out his left hand rather than his right, to make it easier for Peter. "And, may I ask, what's your name, darlin'?"

"Oh... I'm, uh, Peter," he mumbled awkwardly. Harley had this southern accent that made Peter's heart skip a beat. Tony finished attaching the prosthetic, stepping back. Harley helped Peter up, holding him steady when he stumbled on the edge of the carpet. "Thanks."

"No problem." Harley let go of Peter's arm, letting the brunette stand by himself.

"Oh, yes. Pete, Harley's going to stay here for a little while. I was thinking maybe you two could become friends?" Tony suggested, watching the two boys.

"I think we'll get along just fine, won't we darlin'?" Harley grinned, turning to wink at Peter.


"Great! Why don't you get to know each other? Harley's staying in the room across the hall, why don't you help him unpack?" The billionaire left, probably to go work in the lab. Peter and Harley looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Sooooo... why are you staying here?" Peter wondered.

"My mom wanted to send me to a better school. The Old Man owed me a favor, and, well, here I am," Harley shrugged. The smaller boy nodded, fidgeting with his prosthetic arm.

"What school?"

"Oh... Newtown? Or something like that." Peter's eyes went wide.

"Midtown? That's my school!" He exclaimed. A small smile crossed Harley's face.

"Well, I guess I already know somebody then." They were both silent for a moment, standing around awkwardly.

"Maybe we should unpack your stuff?" Peter suggested. Harley held up a finger, running down the hall to where his bags were sitting. He grabbed them, heading towards the doorway.

"So where am I staying?" Peter hobbled out, opening the door directly across the hall from him. They both walked in, the blond boy quietly admiring the impressive room. "Woah." Peter let out a soft laugh, used to this kind of reaction. Harley looked at the boy beside him, smiling. "You have a nice laugh." Peter turned toward him, a light blush on his cheeks.

"Oh... thanks." The two boys started to unpack Harley's bags, Peter helping him organize his stuff and put it away. The brunette picked up a rainbow striped headband, holding it up and looking at the taller boy.

"I like your headband," Peter stated, carefully watching Harley for a reaction.

"You do?" The southern boy seemed to become more cautious, but walked up to the bed where Peter was sitting. He took the headband, gently putting it on the smaller boy's head. "You can have it. It looks good on you." A noticeable blush came across Peter's cheeks, and Harley grinned, knowing he had him. "Say, darlin', how about we go out sometime, just me and you?"

"I would like that," Peter smiled shyly. The blond held out his hands, helping Peter to his feet. They stood face-to-face, both of them feeling awfully nervous. "Hi."

"Hey." The smaller boy bit his lip, staring up at Harley with his big innocent doe eyes. "Can I kiss you, darlin'?"

"Yeah," Peter whispered breathlessly. Harley gently guided the brunette's chin up, pressing their lips together. The kiss was slow and soft, giving both boys butterflies. When they broke apart, there was total silence between them, the sexual tension still going strong.

"Woah," Peter murmured quietly. Harley nodded, still feeling completely stunned by the kiss. It had been everything a kiss was meant to be and more, absolutely perfect, maybe even more than perfect.

"You're incredible, darlin'," Harley commented, moving to sit on the bed. Peter made a move, sitting in the southern boy's lap, wrapping his left arm around Harley's neck for stability. "I think this might be the start of something amazing."

I was originally going to make this a lot different but I like the way it ended up so ok


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