Weakness (G) Part 1

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Archangels are powerful beings. More powerful than angels, demons, pagan gods and everything in between. The only thing more powerful is God himself (and his sister, but let's forget about her for now). But like everything else, archangels also have a weakness. What is Gabriel's, I wonder?

Oh and just a heads up before you continue. This may include intensely fluffy stuff, so be warned. But seriously, the timeline does not match up with the show at all. Just go with it.

While Gabriel was masquerading as the Trickster, Loki he had just finished tricking someone into regretting their actions. He happened to be in town when he noticed him. He looked suspicious and so naturally, he kept his eye on him. The guy's name was David Carver, he found out. There was something about him that didn't quite sit right. And so, he followed him. Not knowing what he was getting himself into. But he was an archangel disguised as a Trickster, he would just teach Mr. Carver a lesson if he found his suspicions to be true. The only way he knew how.

He remained out of sight as he followed David to an abandoned warehouse on an old farm. It only confirmed his suspicions more, but nothing could ever have prepared him for what he was about to witness. He heard a woman's scream from inside the warehouse and this was exactly the kind of people he was after. Not to actually cause harm (well, fatal harm anyway) to those who he believed deserved it. And most of the time, he walked away leaving no trace that he was ever there. But this time it was different. David had looked rather nervous before and he was told by some locals that he had only been in town for a few weeks. He hadn't caused any problems. But Gabriel couldn't fight that feeling off. The feeling that something was going to happen to David. Something bad. Whether it would be one of his illusions or not, there was something up with this man and Gabe wanted to know what it was.

He slowly crept to the large open doorway and looked inside. He didn't see anything, but he heard another scream. Only this time, words came out. "Please don't hurt us!" A woman's voice sobbed. Gabriel sighed heavily, but what he heard next made him freeze. It was David's voice that cried out next "No! I have to do this, Beth. It was me who made the deal. Just take me, don't hurt them!". Gabe furrowed his eyebrows. Them? Who's them? He heard growls, snarls and loud scratching from the other side of the warehouse and sighed, knowing exactly what was happening. Mr. Carver has made some kind of deal with a demon. And his time is up. "David... that's not entirely true". Gabriel perked up, snapping out of his thoughts. "What are you talking about, Beth?". "T-They're here for me too. I... I made a deal so you would get more time". Gabe closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. Seriously, he liked being on earth with the humans. But some of them just amazed him with their stupidity. "Beth, how could you do that?!". "I wanted you to have more time!". When he heard the opposite side of the warehouse burst open, that's when he decided it was time to make an appearance. He knows hellhounds don't give anyone mercy once they caught the scent of the person. But he had to try. "Hey! Sorry to ruin the party, mutts. Come get me!" He yelled. He couldn't see the hellhounds, but he knew he had their attention. He heard them snarl at him. The two humans looked shocked and confused, but soon snapped out of it. "No, we deserve this. But please, save her". He furrowed his eyebrows "What, who?". He flinches when the two of them get tackled by invisible dogs. "Please! Take her and go! Save her!" Beth screams and he had to turn his head, as to not see them getting ripped to shreds. David was already gone. Gabe closed his eyes, being forced to hear Beth's screams. When it's over, the hounds drag their bodies away, heading back to hell. He took a deep breath, opening his eyes. What on earth did that mean? Save her? Who's her?

That's when he heard it. It was faint and quiet. But he still heard it. He turned to his side and noticed a bundle of yellow blankets sitting on a haystack. He pursed his lips, hearing a faint babble. "Hello?" He said out loud, sounding a lot like the guy who dies first in a horror movie. He slowly approached the bundle, then peered over the side and his eyes widened slightly. He jumped and backed away a little with a sharp inhale. "Okay, that's a baby" He mumbled to himself. His eyes glanced over at the corner where David and Beth were ripped apart. Then he frowned upon connecting the dots. So, that's the her. Beth told him to save her. Once again, he looked into the blankets and two big, chocolate brown eyes stared up at him. "Hey, how's it going?" He asked awkwardly as he picked her up. Holding her close to his chest, he gently removed the blankets a little so he could get a better look at her. She didn't seem to be injured, but he noticed a bump on her head. So, he pressed two fingers to her forehead, and it soon disappeared. He sighed quietly "So, you have a name?". He looked for any kind of identification and he eventually he found her name written in swirly letters at the corner of the blanket. "Well, hi there, Tessa. That's a nice name" He smiled as she babbled. He guessed she was at least five months old. He let her grab his finger with her tiny hand. It's technically his fault that her parents are dead. And he wanted to just drop her off at the nearest foster home. But something stopped him. Maybe it was the way her innocent eyes looked at him, or her mother's last words to him echoing in his head. Whatever the reason was, he took her with him back to one of his safe houses. And he decided to raise her as his own.

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