Uncle Gabe (G)

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Cas leaves Gabriel to babysit you while he's on a case with Sam and Dean. Your uncle finds out you like to play dress up the hard way.

You are Cas's unofficial daughter and you live with the brothers in the bunker. Cas feels that you are his responsibility as it is basically his fault that you are in their care now. You are 5 years old in this one

(Written in third POV)

The impala comes to a stop in front of a rather fancy looking house. It isn't quite as big as a mansion, but you can't exactly miss it. And if you know who you're looking for, it may as well have a big, flashing sign on the roof saying his name in bright, bold letters. If this doesn't scream Gabriel, I don't know what will. The back door of the car opens and the trench coated angel steps out before going to the other back door. He opens it, then helps a little girl unbuckle her seat belt buckle. And then he helps her out. Leaving the other two men in the car, the two walk up to the front door. "Alright, y/n. Wait here for just a second" He speaks to her softly. He reaches for the handle and slowly pushes the door open. Then he steps into the large, and admittedly rather handsome, home. He listens out for any inappropriate sounds (let's be honest, we all know what uncle Gabe is like). "Gabriel?" He calls out. Soon enough, his older brother comes stumbling down the stairs. Cas tilts his head at the state of him. Messy hair (that may be an understatement), his neck and parts of his jaw is covered in lipstick stains and his dress shirt is practically hanging off of him.

"Gabriel!" Cas whisper/yells. The archangel jumps slightly before looking at his younger brother "Oh, hey Cas. What's up?". The trench coated angel sighs heavily "Y/n's waiting outside, I need you to babysit today". Gabe purses his lips, glancing back at the upstairs hall for a second "Um... slight problem with that". Cas glares at him "Gabriel, I'm leaving y/n here whether you like it or not. You know you're the only one I trust to look after her, other than Sam and Dean. So, clean yourself up and you better get rid of whatever is happening up there". Gabe sighs "Alright, fine. I'll do it". He snaps his fingers and he is all cleaned up, dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans (and his lady friend upstairs is gone too). "There, happy?". "Y/n, you can come in now" Cas tells her. She pushes the door open some more before running in. "Uncle Gabe!" She grins upon seeing him. He smiles back "Hey, munchkin".

Gabe really doesn't mind the whole babysitting thing. He'll never admit it, but he does have a soft spot for the kid and he likes hanging out with her.


Y/n comes running into the kitchen, where Gabriel is making lunch. She sits up at the breakfast bar "Uncle Gabe, will you play with me?". He smiles slightly "I'll play with you after lunch, kiddo". She pouts "Promise?". He chuckles "I promise. Here, don't tell Cas". He takes a lollipop out of his pocket and gives it to her. She grins before opening it.

After lunch, as promised, Gabe goes to play with her. "So, what are we playing?" He asks and she turns to look at him with the best puppy face she can muster "Can we play Beauty and The Beast?". He sighs, but nods "Sure. Who do you want to be?". She grins "I'll be the Beast". He purses his lips "I suppose that means I'm Belle then, huh?". She giggles cheekily and nods. Gabe takes a deep breath before snapping his fingers. Y/n is dressed as the beast and Gabe is in that iconic yellow ball gown. "This is so not emasculating at all" He mumbles sarcastically under his breath. "Okay, how do we play Beauty and The Beast?" He asks her. Y/n shrugs, tugging on the rim of her blue long coat "I guess we're supposed to dance. But I forgot I don't know how to". Gabe furrows his eyebrows. Had the boys not taught her? Well, it makes sense actually. They probably don't know how to either. Then he smiles softly "Don't worry, I'll teach you". She tilts her head "You know how to?". He chuckles "Surprising, right? You can't tell anyone though, got it?". She giggles and nods "Got it".

He sighs, looking down at the dress he's still wearing. "You don't have to wear the dress if you don't want to" Y/n speaks quietly. He looks at her before chuckling "Y/n, do you want to wear the dress?". Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink as she replies "No". He smiles. Of course she does. All girls secretly want to wear the dress, right? With another snap of his fingers, he swaps costumes with her. Y/n looks at him and he winks at her playfully. The tiniest of smiles appears on her face. "Okay, first things first. Y/n, you've seen the movie. What's the first thing Belle does?" He asks her. She thinks back to the movie, to the ballroom dance scene. Then smiles "She bows". Gabriel chuckles "Kinda, yeah. But it's called a curtsy. Just copy me".
After just a few minutes, he managed to teach her the basics, but there is a slight height difference. So he picks her up before sitting her on his hip. He shows her the positions once again and then he leads her into the dance.


Y/n enjoyed seeing her uncle in a dress earlier, so she decided that she wanted to have a princess tea party. With much reluctance, Gabe sits on the floor in a light purple princess dress. His chin in his hand as he looks rather unimpressed. Meanwhile, y/n happily sits on the other side of their little table in a red dress. "So, who're you supposed to be?" He asks. "The queen" She replies as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He hums "Right. Of course, how silly of me". She giggles "Would you like some more tea, princess?". He sighs "Have anything stronger?". Y/n furrows her eyebrows "Like coffee?". He smiles softly at her innocence and he can't help but nod "Yeah, like coffee, munchkin".

Hey, hope you liked this one

- W.S

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