Baby Benedict

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Rob sighs heavily, hearing the baby monitor go off. Hey, it's not like he was trying to go to sleep anyway. He gets up, quickly heading through to his daughter's nursery. He opens the door, then steps in to the room "Hey, sweetie. Don't cry, I'm here". He walks over to the crib to look at her. She doesn't stop crying and he frowns "What, are you hungry?". He sighs, reaching in to rub her stomach soothingly. Which just makes her cry more. "Okay" He hums before picking her up from under her arms. He sits her on his hip "What's the matter, sweetheart?". He frowns as she still doesn't stop crying.

After a while of trying to soothe her, he almost started to cry himself. Whether it was from sheer exhaustion or the fact that she won't stop crying, he didn't know. "Why won't you stop crying?" He hums to himself before turning to his last resort. Taking his phone out of his pocket, holding Ayla in his other arm, he calls his friend. He holds the phone to his ear, waiting for him to answer. Luckily he does after a few minutes. "Rob, it's three in the mornin'. What do you want?" He groans. Rob sighs "I'm sorry, Rich. But I need your help. Ayla won't stop crying, I've tried everything". "Alright, calm down, man. I'll get Jaci" He replies. Rob looks at his still crying daughter while waiting and frowns.

"Okay, we're on speaker, Robbie" Rich tells him. "Okay" He sighs. "Rob, have you tried feeding her? Checked her diaper?" Jaci asks him. "Yep" He replies. "Okay, and she won't stop crying? Does it sound like she's in pain?" She questions him. "What? I don't know, maybe?" He sighs. "Wait, she's six months old, right?" This time Rich questions. "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" He furrows his eyebrows. The couple chuckle. "Robbie, she might be starting to teeth. Her gums will be sore. So, just get her something to chew on'' Jaci advises. "Okay, like what?" He asks. "Well, something soft but solid. Maybe try an ice cube, or something like that" She tells him "Okay, thanks guys. Sorry for waking you". Rich starts to answer, but Jaci interrupts him "Not a bother, Robbie. We've... well, I have been through it all three times. Feel free to call any time". He chuckles "Thanks, Jaci". They hang up and he puts his phone back down. Then he rubs Ayla's back. He looks at her, wiping her tears away with his thumb "So, it's your mouth, is it?". He purses his lips "Forget the ice cube". He puts her back in her crib, making her cry louder again. "Shh, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere" He sighs before dragging the chair in the corner next to the crib. He sits down, then reaches in and gives her his finger. He gently puts it in her small mouth and she finally stops crying. He sighs in relief as he leans over the arm of the chair. With his other hand, he runs it down his face. He knew it would be difficult, but he didn't know it would be this difficult. He smiles at her tiredly "Hey, gorgeous". She babbles in response, happily chewing on his finger with her toothless gums. He chuckles softly "Well, you are lucky you're cute".

"I have to be up in two hours, you know. We have a plane to catch" He mumbles. She looks up at him with her big blue eyes and he sighs quietly, then smiles slightly "I can't be mad at you. But I am sleeping on the plane and you can't stop me". She babbles again, making him chuckle "Good, glad we got that straightened out". Soon enough, she falls back asleep and Rob takes his finger away, replacing it with a pacifier. He then starts to pack her bag for the plane. He looked it up to see what he would need, but he pretty much got the gist of it. He packs spare clothes, diapers, wipes, a few toys, extra pacifiers, a blanket, two bottles, baby food, a bib and a few of her toys. He sets a mental reminder to buy a teething ring for her tomorrow and then he zips the bag up before leaving it on the chair. He checks the time on his phone. He still has an hour left before he has to meet up with Rich and the boys. Their flight is at seven. They are going to the Vancouver convention and Jared had the idea that they should all bring their kids. So that's what they're doing. J2 are bringing their wives and in a few days Misha's wife, Vicky and Jaci planned to fly over together. They both have to work. Obviously, Rich is bringing Steve, Fletch and Frank. Misha, Maison and West. Jensen, JJ, Arrow and Zeppelin. Jared, Tom, Shep and Odette. Mark S is bringing Isabella and Matt is bringing Macklin, who is only a year older than Ayla. So the green room will be buzzing the whole weekend. And as this is her first convention, it will be her first introduction to the fans and even some of the cast members. Which Rob isn't too worried about. The fans have been supportive and patiently waiting to meet her. So, it's exciting. But a little overwhelming.

About half an hour later, Rich calls him. He presses the green button and puts it on speaker as he continues to pack. "What is it, Rich?" He sighs. "Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine" Rich chuckles. Rob rolls his eyes "Yeah, I know". "Seriously, did you get any sleep last night?" He asks. Rob bites his lip as he pauses to think "Um... altogether I think I got about ten minutes worth. Maybe fifteen". "Jesus christ, man. You sound like a trainwreck. You ain't driving anywhere. I'll pick you up. D'ya need anything?" He replies. Rob yawns "Alright, that's probably a good idea. I don't think... wait, actually. Yeah, can you stop off at the chemist to get a teething ring for Ayla for me?". "Sure, I'll get one of the boys to run in. Anything else?" He asks. "Um... valume?" He replies with a chuckle, making Rich laugh "Alright, hang in there. We'll see you in a bit". Rich ends the call and that's when the baby monitor goes off again. Rob groans quietly "Ayls, you're killing me".

Hey, so I'm slowly starting to come back to these imagines. I still won't be taking requests right now. But I hope you'll forgive me when you read this cute mini-series I thought of.

- W.S

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