Gabriel (RSJ)

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While on a walk in the park with your dog Gabriel, he gets all excited and knocks someone over. That someone happens to be the one and only, Richard Speight Jr. You end up talking for a while and exchange phone numbers.

It was both the best and worst moment of my life. Gabe was excited and seemed extremely proud of himself and I felt all kinds of embarrassment. I just wanted the ground to swallow me up at the time. I guess it's pretty funny now though. People laugh when I tell the story. But as much as it was my worst moment, it was also my best moment. Because if Gabriel hadn't gotten so excited and bolted, I probably never would've met my now husband

Five years ago....

As we walk down the all too familar path to the park, Gabe starts to pull and whine to get me to walk faster. I chuckle "Gabe, calm down. The park isn't going anywhere, boy". He just whines again, so I sigh before reaching down to his collar to unclip his lead. Then he dashes down the short hill to get to the grass. I smile as he yips and jumps around excitedly as if to tell me to hurry up (anyone else's dog do this? No, just mine? Okay, cool). When I get closer to the grass, I take the tennis ball out of my pocket and throw it as far as I can. Then I watch him bolt after it, tongue hanging out and slobber going everywhere. Graceful... so very graceful. I sigh as I wait for him to bring it back to me. "Good boy" I smile as he drops the ball at my feet. Then I pick it up and throw it again. I wipe my hand on my jeans, getting the dog drool and grass off my fingers. I do this a few more times until my arm starts to get sore. Gabriel, once again, returns with the ball before dropping it. He yips when I don't pick it up. "What?" I say, looking at him. He barks louder at me. I gasp "Don't you take that tone with me, mister". This time, he barks twice, rather sassily if I do say so myself. I chuckle "I can't say that I care for that attitude of yours". He growls playfully, then huffs. I smile before picking up the ball. His eyes light up and I go to throw it, he runs after it. Only I didn't let go of it. I hide the ball behind my back, waiting for him to notice. He turns to look at me in complete and utter confusion. I shrug "What?". He lets out a little muffled bark, making me chuckle. I then take the ball out from behind my back, showing him that I still have it.

His ears and tail prick up as his mouth drops open. As if in shock. His tail slowly starts to wag and his eyes never leave mine. Then he barks once. I smile, shaking my head "Well, come get it then. Don't be so dramatic". He yips and was about to come back over to me when something suddenly catches his eye. I raise an eyebrow "What is it?". I look in the direction he's looking in to see some random guy. I don't think anything of it as he's just on his phone. Gabriel starts to yip and whine, in a similar fashion to when we arrived. He then jumps about like crazy, making me even more confused. He looks at me, tongue hanging out before taking off in that direction. My eyes widen as he runs as fast as he possibly can, straight towards the guy. "Gabriel!" I call, but to no avail. I sigh before starting to run after him. It was like in slow motion. Gabe bolts over to the poor guy, who then takes notice of the dog currently bounding towards him. I think he tried to move out the way, but Gabe got to him before he could. I watch in despair as my dog decks the stranger, who falls backwards.

I sigh, then jog the rest of the way over to them "Gabe!". The brown coated dog yips and jumps all over the poor guy. I grab on to the back of his collar, then pull him away. The guy slowly sits up and it's only then I realise that he is laughing. I purse my lips "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, he usually never does anything like that". "Well, he must've good taste then" He replies. Wait a minute. I know that voice... where do I know that voice from? I shake my head, then offer him a hand up. He gratefully takes my hand, then pulls himself up. And that, is when I recognise who I'm talking to. Who my dog just ran over. Of course, it had to be me. Oh, how I wish the earth would just close up on me. It's friggen Richard Speight Jr. Of course it is. Why would it be anyone else? I sigh "Are you okay?". He smiles "I'm fine, nothin's damaged". I nod "Good". I look back at my dog, and whoever says dogs can't show expressions like humans can, obviously hasn't met Gabe. Because he looks very smug and way too proud of himself. "So... what's his name?" Rich asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Oh, um... Gabe. His name's Gabriel" I reply. He smiles "Is that a coincidence, or what?". I shrug "If I said it wasn't, would you judge me?". He chuckles "No". I nod "Good". "What breed is he?" He asks. "He's an Australian Kelpie" I reply. He nods "Ah, I see. So, I kinda have to assume you know who I am, at this point?". I chuckle "You're lucky I do. Otherwise, that would've sounded a lot more arrogant". He laughs "That is lucky". I sigh, looking back at my dog again. Who still looks rather happy with himself "Well, I hope you're proud of yourself". He yips in response, making Richard chuckle "You know, come to think of it. He does act a lot like Gabriel". I shake my head "You have no idea". He smiles before looking at me "So, would you and Gabriel like to walk with me?". It takes a moment for his words to register before speaking "Well... uh, sure. I guess. We haven't got much else to do". He nods "Good".

And... that is how I met my husband, Richard Speight Jr

Hey, hope you liked this one

- W.S.

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