Prompt Request (RSJ) Part 1

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This imagine is based on Prompt 36. Requested by @caljo927
Hope you like it!

"Can I draw on you?". "Why?". "It calms me down".

(For context, the reader's name is Becca, everyone calls her Bex. Rob and Rich are her best friends, she has a crush on Rich. She gets overwhelmed after being shown some comments on a trending video of her and Rich)

"Hey, Robbie! And Richie" I smile, seeing them on the stage, checking mics. Rob turns around at the sound of my voice and smiles "Hey, Bex. What are you doing here?". I shrug "Wandering". They both chuckle. I walk to the edge of the stage and seeing as it's not that high, I jump down. Then I climb over the first row of seats to sit in the first seat I saw in the second row. And then I prop my feet up on the chair in front of me. Rich chuckles at my antics before heading backstage. Rob smiles at me, then shakes his head before continuing with the mic check. I blush a little, then sigh. And I gasp when I get an idea. "Robbie, give me a mic" I speak up, scrambling back to the stage. He raises an eyebrow, holding them a little too close to his chest "Why?". "Alright, you're being real weird about your mics" I purse my lips. I pout and he sighs before giving me one. I grin "Okay, close your eyes, Bobbo". He chuckles, deciding to give in to my game "Alright".

He closes his eyes and I grin "Okay, no looking!". He smiles "Okay". I giggle before running off right the way down the length of the hall. And then I hide behind the black curtain attached to the wall at the side. Then I turn the mic on "Robbie, open your eyes". I hear him chuckle a bit, then sigh "Becca, no. Don't do this. You know we hate this game". I grin "Aw, Bobbo. You know you love it". He curses under his breath, causing me to giggle. Then he chuckles to himself "Bex, please come out. I don't even know how you do this with the lights on". I smile "I'm behind you, Robbie". He sighs heavily.

Third POV

Rob heaves a sigh, still standing on the stage. He still can't believe she roped him into playing this stupid game. The only reason he puts up with it is because he knows it makes her happy. But she always ends up dropping his precious microphones. That's when Rich comes back out on to the stage "Hey, Bobbo. Why so distraught?". "Richard!" Becca yells into her mic, making the two guys jump. "Oh…" He sighs, but smiles knowing they both secretly love the game. "Robbie, come find me!" She giggles. Rob groans before chuckling "No! Becca, I am not chasing after you!". "What if I run away with the mic, Bobbo?" She teases him. Rob gasps "You wouldn't". "Wouldn't I?" She questions. Rich chuckles "Bex, come on. We need that mic"

That's when she dashes out from behind the curtain, waving the mic trying to get the boys to chase her. That's the whole point of the game anyway. Rob frowns "Becca, please don't. I have to save my energy". She giggles "If you want your mic, Robbie…". Rich groans, then pouts "Don't be mean, Bex. Please give the mic back". She sighs, starting to walk back to the stage, making them think she actually listened. Then she smirks and dashes off in the opposite direction. With the mic. The two groan loudly, but Rich can't help the smile growing on his face. He jumps down from the stage, takes a breath to keep whatever dignity that he may lose during the next few minutes or so. Then he chases after her. Rob chuckles, leaving it up to his friend to catch her.

Becca giggles, hearing him chasing her. So she runs as fast as she possibly can out of the room. Where a lot of people are waiting for panels to start, or buying stuff. And the two of them raise a few heads. The fans who know what's happening start to laugh. Rich huffs out of breath "Becca, give me the mic!". She sticks her tongue out at him "No!". Soon enough, most of, if not the whole room is watching them. And over half of them are laughing and videoing it. Eventually, Rich traps her in a corner. She pouts at him, making him chuckle "Bex, can I please have the mic back?". She shakes her head "No, Richie. You can't". He smiles at her from the other side of the pillar "Bex, are you gettin' tired yet?". She giggles "Nope!". He raises an eyebrow "See, Becca. I think you are". She hums "What makes you think that?". "Because you know you're trapped unless you give me the mic" He smirks. She rolls her eyes "Fine, but you have to carry me!". He sighs "We're goin' in circles here, Bex". She lets him come closer so he can pick her up. He puts his arm under her knees, carrying her bridal style. Then the room explodes in cheers and applause. Rich chuckles as she buries her face into his chest "Can't chew what you bit off, darlin?". I roll my eyes "No. Just didn't realise we had an audience". He smiles "You run out here with me chasing after you and you don't expect it to catch anyone's attention?". I shrug "Didn't think about that". He hums "Mhm, course you didn't".

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