Little Sister (J2M)

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You're at an SPNCon with your family and your little sister wanders off and ends up running into three very familiar faces

Btw, I'll be making up names for your family members and stuff cause I'm too lazy to keep writing s/n (sister's name). Your sister's name is Charlie and she's four. Your brother's name is Spencer, he's sixteen. You obviously have your own name, and your age is fourteen

Your outfits:

Your outfits:

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"Okay, look after your sister. Stay safe and have fun" Mum says as we stand in the car park of the convention centre. I nod "Yeah, we know". "Meet us back at the hotel when you're ready, okay? And call us if you get the chance" Dad reminds us. Spencer rolls his eyes, but smiles "We'll be fine. Now, go do what we came here to do". Our parents surprised us with tickets to the SPNCon in London. Which, luckily, is where we live. And they are spending the weekend together. We agreed that we'd take Charlie so they didn't need to worry. They did something nice for us, we're just returning the favour. We're staying in the same hotel room, so we'll still see each other in the mornings and evenings. We're just doing different things during the weekend. My brother and I are both fans of Supernatural, so it works.

"Alright, we're going. Just be careful" Dad chuckles. We all hug goodbye before going our separate ways. Spencer picks Charlie up and sits her on his hip. "Okay, ready?" He asks. I nod "Yep".

Time skip (author is too lazy to write the boring security stuff)

"So, what are we doing first?" I ask him as he walks with Charlie holding on to his hand. "Well, we have passes to all the panels today, the J2M meet and greet and photo op. And the photo op with R2. But they aren't til later. But Misha and Jensen's panel starts in five minutes. So we better get going" He explains. I nod "Okay, let's go then". We start walking to the room where the panel is and enter through the double doors. There's already a few people finding seats, so we do the same. We find seats close to the stage and sit at the isle so that if Charlie gets bored, she can wander about. I sit her on my lap and Spencer sits beside me. I smile "Well, this is exciting". He nods "It is".

After a few minutes, more people come in and the lights shut off, indicating the start of the panel. The voiceover guy introduces Misha and Jensen to the stage and the two actors come out from behind the curtain, bringing a new energy to the room. "Hi, guys! How is everyone this morning?" Misha starts. As expected, the panel is a blast. Misha and Jensen are hilarous and a lot hotter in real life. We laughed a lot and listened to the questions being asked and answered. During the middle of the panel, Charlie starts squirming, a sign that she is getting bored. So, I let her jump off my lap. Spencer notices and lets her past. "Stay close, Char" He whispers. She nods "Okay".

Third POV

Charlie wanders around the panel room, looking at people's costumes and stamping her feet, making her shoes flash. The coolest thing ever according to her. She somehow manages to find her way back to the door. The thought of staying near her siblings slips out of her mind as she pushes the door open with all her little four year old strength. She giggles when the door is open, then runs out. The curiosity takes over her the further she gets from the room. She flaps her too-big-for-her-arms trench coat sleeves as she wanders the convention floor. After a few minutes, Charlie starts to get bored again. She puffs her cheeks out, looking around at all the different people walking around. Some wearing costumes, others just dressed similarly to their favourite characters, like she is. And a few just wearing regular clothes. She hums a tune that she just made up to herself as she finds herself walking down a hallway. She sees a sign with an arrow and a big word on it. She can't read the word, but she knows what the arrow means (the sign says bathrooms). She continues in that direction and that's when a door opens in front of her (the gents' bathroom door). And someone steps out of it. She pauses and tilts her head slightly. A smile grows on her face as she recognises the man, who didn't seem to notice her. "Cas!" She giggles. The man jumps and turns around in confusion. His expression immediately changes when he sees it's just a little girl. He smiles, then kneels down to her height "Hi there, are you lost?". She shrugs "Maybe. Where's your trench coat?". "Oh, uh... it got dirty. It needed to get washed. But I like yours" He replies. She giggles, making him chuckle "What's your name, sweetie? Maybe I can help you". "Charlie" She smiles, shyly playing with her sleeve. He nods "Well Charlie, I'm lost too. I need help getting back to Sam and Dean. Wanna help me?". She grins and nods "Okay!". He smiles back "Okay, come on". He stands up, biting his lip slightly "Is it okay if I pick you up, Charlie?". She nods and he picks her up from under her arms.

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