Fears (RSJ)

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Rich and Rob thought it would be a good idea to take their daughters out to the amusement park. Only, Rich didn't realise that his daughter, Olivia, had a particular fear.

(Audrey is Rob's daughter. Both for this story and in real life)

Olivia's POV

I huff in the back seat of the car as my patience wears thin "Where are we going?". They chuckle. "We'll be there soon, sweetheart" My dad replies. I frown, sharing a look with Audrey, who is sitting in the back with me. She shrugs "Don't look at me, I don't know where we're going". I sigh "Well, you should". She giggles, rolling her eyes playfully. Eventually the car comes to a stop and my dad parks it. I sigh in relief, taking my seat belt off "Finally! Now, where are we?". I look out the windows, hearing distant screams. "We're at the amusement park, Liv" Dad replies. My smile drops as my whole body fills with fear. We're where?! I gulp nervously. Oh, no. This isn't good. We enter the park after purchasing tickets. "So, what do you guys want to do first?" Rob asks us. I hum, silently praying that Audrey doesn't say the clown house, while pretending to think. "What about the water guns?" She suggests. I inwardly sigh in relief as we head over to the game booths


After that, we went on a few rollercoasters and played some more games. We got candyfloss and ate a ton of sugar. Probably enough to give us diabetes. When it starts to get dark, that's when Audrey suggested we go to the clown house. I gulp, nodding along "O-Okay". The clown house is on the opposite side of the amusement park, so it'll take a few minutes for us to get there. But I end up trailing behind anyway, hoping that something could go wrong, effectively making us unable to go. Or even maybe if I walk slow enough, it'll be closed by the time we get there. But my plan went out the window when my dad noticed I wasn't walking with them. He whispers something to Rob before heading back over to me. I notice Rob giving a concerned glance before he continues on after Audrey. Who seems a little too excited about the clowns. I, for one, don't find them all that amusing. Despite being in an amusement park.

Dad kneels in front of me, gaining my attention. "Via, you okay?" He asks. I nod "Yeah, m'fine".
He ignores my reply "What's wrong, sweetheart?". I shrug, mumbling "Nothin, but we're gonna lose Audrey and Robbie". He sighs "We'll catch up. Tell me what's wrong". "There's nothing wrong, dad. I'm fine, let's just go" I reply. He frowns "Olivia". I pause, meeting his gaze when he uses my whole name. He shakes his head "Don't do that, sweetheart. You think I don't know what you're doin? I practically do it for a living. You're stalling. So, just tell me what's wrong". I frown, playing with my sleeve to avoid looking at him. I know he could make me tell him if he really wanted to. But no one knows about it and I especially don't want him to know because he'll just tease me. "Via, what's wrong?" He repeats. I shake my head "Nothin, dad. I'm fine". I walk around him, starting to walk in the direction that Rob went with Audrey. I hear my dad sigh heavily and assume he stood up to follow me. When he catches up to me, he doesn't say anything. But I manage to refrain from clinging to him. However, I feel him pull me into his side. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" He mumbles. I nod silently. I know I can, but I don't want to. He loosens his grip on me a little, but I don't pull away from him. Instead, I hold on to the material of his jeans. Which I don't think he was expecting. I missed the worried glance.

The closer we get to the clown house, the louder the fake laughing is. I frown, trying my best not to take off in the opposite direction. I'm not sure why I'm so scared of them, but I can't help it. I see Rob and Audrey waiting for us, but for some reason that doesn't help. I bury my face into his leg and I don't remember when I started crying, but I soon felt tears running down my cheeks. I accidentally caught a glance of a clown face and couldn't take it anymore. I started bawling my eyes out, my grip tightening on dad's clothes. My sobs must've caught his attention because he immediately went into dad mode. "Okay, that's it" He mumbles. I feel him pick me up from under my arms and he sits me on his hip. I bury my face into his chest, crying even harder. "Hey, hey. Shh, it's okay. Shh, shh, don't cry" He whispers to me. My grip on his shirt only tightens "Dad, I don't wanna go". He makes me look at him and frowns in confusion "Via, please tell me what's wrong. I can't help you if I don't know". I sob "Daddy, please don't make me go in there".

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