Father/daughter Date(MC)

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AU where Misha is a single father and is your dad. You're six in this one and you think of Jared and Jensen as your uncles. JJ (Jensen's daughter) is your best friend. You are visiting J2 and their families in Austin for the weekend. You and Misha have a tradition back home in Washington where you have a daddy/daughter date every weekend and Misha proves that it doesn't just have to be a home thing

Btw, Vicki and his kids in real life don't exist in this one. I don't have anything against them, they're such a cute family. It's an alternate universe, J2 have their families though

(written in third POV)

Y/n jumps excitedly in her seat as they pull up to the house. Misha chuckles "Y/n, calm down. The weekend isn't going anywhere, sweetie". She sighs "I know, I'm sorry. I just... haven't seen JJ in ages". He smiles "I know, but we're here now. So, come on". She grins before unbuckling her seatbelt and opens the door. Then she practically flies out of the car and up the driveway to the front door of Jensen and Daneel's house. Misha, still in the car, shakes his head with a smile on his face. Then he gets out, silently deciding to get their bags later.

Y/n knocks on the door enthusiastically and doesn't stop until it opens and she accidentally punches Jensen in the stomach. Luckily not too hard. He chuckles "Well, someone's excited". Misha smiles as he catches up "You have no idea. I don't even think she slept last night". Jensen laughs before letting them in. Y/n runs ahead "JJ!". Her best friend appears from the kitchen, along with Thomas and Shep. "Y/n, you're here!" She replies.


While the kids play outside in the pool, the adults and babies who are too little to go near the pool are in the kitchen. "So, how are you two doing, Mish?" Daneel asks. Misha smiles, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the counter "We're doing okay". "Jensen told us something happened with y/n at school" Gen speaks up. Misha bites his lip and nods "Yeah... some kid was teasing her. Said some things about her not having a mom and stuff. But it's fine now". Daneel shakes her head "Kids can be cruel sometimes". Jared pats his shoulder comfortingly before sitting at the counter.

Meanwhile, Tom and Shep are jumping into the pool and the girls are playing marco polo with a beach ball. "Marco!" JJ yells as she throws the ball. Y/n catches it as she yells back "Polo!". "I don't think this is how you play it" JJ giggles. Y/n shrugs, chuckling "I don't think so either". "If we're ever lost from each other, one of us should yell marco and the other has to reply with polo until we find each other again" JJ says. Y/n smiles and nods "That's a good idea". Staying near the shallow end of the pool, y/n sits on the under water step. JJ swims over, then sits beside her. "Do you like your new school?". Y/n shakes her head "No". JJ tilts her head "Why not?". "Some people are mean. It's different to my old school... I don't like it" She replies. JJ nods "It'll be okay, y/n. I'll still be here for you". Y/n smiles slightly "Thanks, JJ".


Misha smiles as his daughter laughs at something JJ said. They are sitting at the table, colouring in. Everyone's just had dinner, the babies are asleep and it's half six, which means chill out time in the Ackles' household. The adults are sitting in the living room, drinking rosey wine for the ladies and Jack Daniel's whiskey for the gents. Shep is cuddling with Gen and Tom is playing the Xbox with Jensen. Y/n is wearing blue pyjamas with an oversized Castiel t-shirt over the top (Misha's). JJ is wearing matching pyjamas, but hers are pink

"You know, you're doing a good job with her, Mish. You should give yourself some credit. Not everyone has the courage to raise a kid by themselves" Jared tells him. Misha nods "I know, that's not so much the problem anymore". He sits back against the sofa, his head resting on the back of it. "Then what is the problem?" The taller man asks. Misha just chuckles "She's growing up too fast". Jared smiles "That's always gonna be a problem, my friend". Misha purses his lips "Yeah, I know". After a few minutes, the girls come over to sit with them. JJ sits next to her dad and y/n walks over to Misha. He smiles "Hey, sweetie. You havin' fun?". She nods as she climbs on to his lap "Yeah". His smile softens, allowing her to rest her head on his chest. "Love you, daddy" She mumbles into his shirt. "Love you too, baby" He replies quietly, rubbing her upper arm softly and kissing her head.

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