Cool If I Come Over (RB)

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Kacey and Rob have been dating for a few weeks and her parents have no idea. She hasn't told them because he is her first ever boyfriend and they were made to believe that he is gay.

This is an AU where my OC and Rob are in high school. She is 16 and he is 17. Her dad's name is James and her mum/mom's name is Alicia.

"Just put that finger there".

"I can't, Robbie. It's too hard!".

"It's not too hard. Just move your finger".

"To where?".

"To there!".

He shakes his head, smiling. I sigh before putting the guitar down "I give up". He chuckles "You're not giving up, I won't let you". I roll my eyes. Rob has been 'attempting' to teach me to play the guitar. Obviously it's going well. He smiles "Don't worry, you'll get it eventually". I hum "Yeah, right". That's when my bedroom door opens and my mom comes in "Oh, hi Robbie. I didn't know you were here". He smiles at her "Sorry, Mrs. Denver. Kacey just couldn't wait to learn the guitar". I gasp, slapping his arm "That's not true!". My mom chuckles "Alright, you two. Robbie, you are more than welcome to stay for dinner. We're having Italian. And for goodness sake, call me Alicia". He nods "Thanks for the offer, but I should probably be going soon". "Okay, hon. That's fine" She replies before leaving. Rob looks at me with an awkward chuckle "I don't think she likes me".

After walking Rob to the door and saying goodbye to him, I head into the kitchen, where my mom and dad are hanging out. I sigh, leaning against the counter. "Are you okay, sweetie?" My mom asks, gaining my dad's attention. I nod "So... what's wrong with Robbie? Do you guys not like him?". "Of course we do. He's a good kid" Dad replies. I hum "Yeah, but it's just you seem a little too comfortable when he's in the house. It's awfully unsettling". Mom chuckles "Well, we know there's nothing to worry about with him". I purse my lips "I mean, he's my best friend. So, it'd kinda be a problem if you didn't like him". "Then it's a good thing we do" Dad smiles. I cross my arms over my chest, still not buying it "Are you sure?". Mom just laughs "Kacey, we like him, okay? It's kinda hard not to. But it would be different if he was straight, then we would be a little more concerned". My dad nods in agreement "Damn right. You're too young to be dating anyway". I furrow my eyebrows "Wait, did you just say if he wasn't straight?". "What? Is that offensive?" Mum replies, slightly alarmed. I purse my lips "No...". But only because he IS straight. I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing "You think Robbie's gay?". Dad shrugs "Well, yeah. Come on, no teenage boy is that nice". I smile "No, no. You're right. It's just I wasn't sure if you knew". "Well, we kinda figured it out" Mom replies a little too proudly. I sigh and nod "Right... good talk".

The next day (in school)

As I was sorting out my locker, I sensed someone approaching me from the side. I smile slightly "Hi, Robbie". He sighs "Aw, man. How'd you know it was me?". I chuckle, glancing at him "I could feel your shaking from over here". He gasps "Hey!". I giggle as he shakes his head. Then he leans against the locker next to mine. I take a ring binder out of my locker "Here, hold this". I hand it to him and he rolls his eyes playfully, but takes it. I look at him "So, is there a reason you're here, or...". He purses his lips "Well, considering we have been walking home together since we were kids. It would kinda be rude to leave without you". I hum, handing him a few textbooks "True". He huffs jokingly "Okay, what is this? Are you just using me as your assistant?". I shrug "You chose to stand there, Robbie. That's not my fault". He chuckles "I guess you're right". After a few minutes, I clear out my locker and Rob helps me sort it out. And then we head to the front doors of the school and begin our walk home.

A few weeks later

I sigh quietly as we get closer to my house. "Are you okay?" Rob asks, holding my hand. I nod "Yeah, it's just... I don't like lying to my parents". He hums "Okay, so why lie? I've told my mom". "I can't, Robbie. At least not yet" I reply. He frowns as he steps in front of me "What's stopping you from telling them?". I chuckle awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact with him "Robbie, I...". He makes me look at him again before tilting his head "What?". I sigh heavily "Robbie, my mom and dad think you're gay". His eyes widen as he splutters "W-WHAT?! You... you told them I'm not, right?". I slowly shake my head "No...". "Kacey, why didn't you correct them?" He questions. I frown "I was afraid they wouldn't let me see you anymore". He sighs "So, what? I have to pretend to be gay now?". I shrug "Apparently, you don't need to pretend". He chuckles, shaking his head "Kacey...". I smile slightly "I'll tell them, I promise. I just need more time". He nods "Okay".

A few more weeks later

My mom invited Robbie over for dinner tonight and I still haven't been able to tell her or my dad that he isn't gay. I mean, how do you explain that? Sorry, you know the boy who you think is gay? Well, he's not and I'm dating him. I sigh when I hear the doorbell go off. It's ridiculous. We have known each other since we were four and five. He still feels the need to knock or ring the doorbell. Despite us telling him he can just come in. Huh, no wonder they think he's gay. I hear my mom tell him that he can just go upstairs. And in a few minutes, I hear a knock on my bedroom door and Rob comes in. I give him a smile "Hey, Robbie". He smiles back "Hey". He sits on my bed and I realise I still have my hairbrush in my hand. I was so lost in my thoughts that I stopped brushing my hair. I sigh before continuing to drag the brush through my long, brown waves. I notice Rob watching me. I raise an eyebrow "What?". He shakes his head and I notice him blush a little "N-Nothing". I chuckle, putting my brush back where it goes on my dresser before spinning around to face him in my desk chair. He tilts his head "What's wrong?". I sigh "I'm sorry, Robbie". He furrows his eyebrows for a moment, then frowns as he figures it out. I watch as his expression falls, making me feel even more guilty. "You haven't told them, have you?" He sighs. I shake my head "No, I'm sorry... I wanted to, I just-". He sighs again, this time a little softer "Kacey, it's fine". I frown in confusion "What?". He shrugs "I'm not mad at you. I just don't understand. Why can't you tell them the truth?". I sigh "Because it's easier to pretend you're gay than telling them you're not and that you're my boyfriend". My eyes fill with tears, causing my vision to get blurry. I suddenly burst out crying, surprising us both. "Kacey..." He mumbles before standing up. He walks over to me, then kneels on the floor in front of me as I sob. He frowns "Kacey, it's okay. What's wrong, sweetie?". I sniffle, attempting to wipe my tears away in frustration but more just replace the ones I wiped away. Robbie gently takes both my hands, stopping me from fidgeting to calm me down. "Kacey, look at me" He says softly. I slowly look up to meet his gaze. He smiles gently "Take a breath, then tell me what's wrong". I do as told, taking a deep breath. "Good" He sighs, rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. I close my eyes for second to gather my thoughts. "I hate this, Robbie. I... I keep breaking this stupid promise. I want to tell them, I do. But every time I try to, I... I get scared. I'm reminded that if I tell them, they might not let me see you again. I feel like the only way I can keep seeing you is if I keep pretending you're gay. It's just easier. I don't just want to be with you. I need you with me, Robbie. I can't just... not have you in my life". His expression softens as he reaches up to wipe away the rest of my tears with his thumb. He sighs quietly "Okay". I sniffle "Okay, what?". He smiles slightly "Okay, I'll keep pretending to be gay". I frown "Robbie". He nods in confirmation "Kacey, I want to be with you more than anything. I'm willing to do anything for that to happen. And if I have to be gay in front of your parents for a few more weeks, months, years. The rest of my life, however long. If that's what it takes, then I'll do it". I tilt my head "Really?". He nods again "Just... can I do one not-gay thing first?". I raise an eyebrow "What?". Without answering, he leans in and presses his lips to mine. My eyes widen in surprise, but I slowly relax and lean into him, kissing him back. I feel him run his fingers through my hair, tucking a strand behind my ear. I sigh, unable to keep from smiling as I pull away after a few minutes, blushing lightly. He chuckles "Good thing your parents trust me, right?". I giggle "I have a feeling they won't when I do decide to tell them". He smiles "There's no rush, remember. You can tell them whenever you're ready". I nod "Okay". He kisses my cheek before standing up, pulling me up with him. "Dinner's ready!" We hear my mom shout up to us. Robbie chuckles "Come on". I sigh, letting go of his hand as we head downstairs.

At dinner

"So, Robbie... any lucky boys catch your eye yet?" My mom asks. Rob almost spits out his drink, coughing a little as he swallows. I bite my lip to keep from laughing at him as his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "Um... no. N-Not at the moment" He replies awkwardly. "Well, I'm sure there's a perfect guy waiting for you around the corner" She tells him before digging into her plate of food. Rob hums, glaring at me subtly "Mhm... yeah".

Hey, hope you liked this one

- W.S

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