Meteor Shower (G)

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You wake up in the middle of the night and see that the night sky is clear of any clouds. You excitedly wake Gabriel up to stargaze with you. And he uses his angel mojo to make it more exciting

You are Sam and Dean's younger sister. You and Gabe are just friends, but he is in love with you. (Btw, for this imagine, Gabe never left after killing Asmodeus and is still kinda healing. Also, the bunker has windows. Also also, I changed a few things in the storyline of the show to fit with this imagine. Just go with it)

I rub my eyes, tiredly yawning and stretching as I sit up in bed. I take my hands away from my face, letting my eyes adjust to the white light shining in through my window. I sigh, then do a double take as I see the full moon shining brightly in the sky. I smile slightly to myself, then grin wider. I get out of bed and start scrambling around, trying to find my flannel (true Winchester). I throw that on over my night wear before rushing out of my room. I quietly make my way down the hall. I don't want to go outside by myself. But I know Dean will actually, probably kill me if I wake him up to look at the stars. I've done it before, not fun. Wouldn't recommend. I don't think Sam would be all that interested anyway. And Cas, well... he's like another brother to me. He doesn't sleep, but I'm sure he has better things to do with his time. My only option left is Gabriel. I'm pretty sure Jack would've come out with me if he was here. I sigh, slowing my steps as I reach Gabe's door. I knock quietly, but don't get an answer. I mentally prepare myself before opening the door. I hear light snores coming from the bed, indicating that he's asleep. I try to sneak into the dark room, but I bump into the wall on my way in. "Ouch" I mumble to myself. I look over at Gabe. Huh, for an archangel he sure is a heavy sleeper. I make my way over to the bed, then proceed to gently shake his shoulder. He is sleeping on his front with his face buried into the pillow. "Gabe" I whisper. After a few minutes, I manage to get a groan out of him. I smile "Gabriel, wake up". He hums "Hm... what?". "I want to show you something" I reply. "If it isn't a room full of porn stars, I'm not interested" He mumbles. I scrunch my nose up, then frown "Gabey, come with me". "Where? Why me?" He whines. I pout "Cause no one else wants to". He sighs, groggily pushing himself to sit up "Alright, just let me get dressed". "Gabe, you're an archangel" I remind him. He looks down at himself, then grins "Oh, yeah". He snaps his fingers, and clothes appear on his body. Then he stands up "Okay, where to, cutie?". I grin before grabbing his hand. Then I pull him out of the room.

I dragged him all the way through the bunker until we get outside. I let go of his hand as he chuckles "Slow down, y/n. I'm sure whatever you're showing me won't go anywhere". In my adrenaline rush, I forgot to put my shoes and jacket on, but I shrug it off. "Come on" I reply, taking him to my favourite spot to stargaze. I sit on the grass under a tree with a perfect view of the sky. Gabe sighs "Y/n, you don't even have shoes or socks on. You could get hypothermia". I smile "Then come sit with me. You can keep me warm". He rolls his eyes and huffs, then sits down "So, why are we here?". I motion to the sky "Look up".

Third POV

Gabriel lifts his head up and soon realises what she's talking about. He inwardly groans, now knowing the reason for her waking him up. But he sighs, smiling slightly to himself. If it was anyone else, he would've just left and went back to bed. But y/n isn't just anyone else. Not to him. Instead of looking at the sky, he looks at her. He was alive when the stars were created, he's had his many thousands of years looking at them. He eventually grew tired of it. But in all his years, there's only one thing he could never tire from looking at. Or, one person for that matter. And he is staring at her right now. "So, why did you decide to wake me up? As in, why not wake one of your brothers?" He speaks. She doesn't look at him, her eyes still sparkling in fascination at the sky above her. She shrugs "Well, Dean sleeps with a knife under his pillow. And I've tried this with him before. He said, and I quote, 'You wake me up to look at the damn sky again and I will hit you'. And Sammy, I don't think he would mind, but I don't think anyone appreciates being woken up in the middle of the night". "You think?" He teases her. She sighs, rolling her eyes "I didn't want to go by myself. Especially knowing what's out there. But I guess you kinda fall into that category. No offence". He shrugs, smiling slightly "Nah, I get it".

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