Comfort (RB)

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You are Rob's daughter and you have a bad day at school. When you get home, you lock yourself in your room and listen to Louden Swain. When you feel upset or are sick, you like to listen to your dad's voice. He doesn't find that out until now. Also also, the bully's name is Melissa. So, if that is your name, I'm sorry. I'm sure you're a great person.

I sigh as I walk to my last class of the day. I tilt my head back slightly, silently wishing I could just go home. As I make my way to (subject), I relive the day in my head. Let's just say it wasn't one of my best. First of all, I slept in this morning, making me late. Which I got in trouble for because it isn't 'setting a good example'. My best friend is off sick today. I had a run in with people who felt like it was the perfect day to tease and make fun of me. Which it was not. That was all only half of the day. At lunch, someone threw a juice carton at me. Whether it was accidental or on purpose, I don't know. But it did leave a purple stain on my shirt.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and roll my eyes at the person. Melissa, one of the girls who were teasing me earlier. "Can I help you?" I sigh, really not in the mood. Melissa shrugs "Not really, but you should start showing me some respect". I cross my arms over my chest "Funny, you should try telling yourself that little story". She glares at me "Excuse me?". I shrug "What, can't handle the truth?". She huffs "Listen here, Benedict. Just because your dad is famous, doesn't mean you can go around bragging about it. And walk around like you're little miss perfect". I purse my lips "Melissa, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not a mirror. So, stop talking to yourself". She gasps "I will have you know that my dad is a successful lawyer, who can sue you and your stupid dad. He isn't even that talented and isn't funny at all. I bet he isn't even home most of the time. Is that why your mom left him?". I freeze as soon as those last words leave her lips. That crossed a line. She hums "Oh, did I hit a nerve?... Sorry". I take a breath to calm myself down before speaking again "Okay, Melissa. You know what? You've just described yourself in every way. So, why don't you take a good, long look in the mirror and you can judge me when you're perfect. Okay?".

(Btw, any Melissa who is reading this, I am so sorry. You are all beautiful and amazing people. Please don't be offended as this isn't aimed at anyone)

I turn around and walk away from her, not even in the direction of my class. I head to the back of the school and exit the back doors. I'm done for the day. The school doesn't have a lot of security, so I am able to quickly sneak out. There are security cameras, but they usually don't check them until the end of the day. As I make my way out of the school grounds, I begin my walk home. But I walk slower than usual so I can get there by the time I usually would after school. I know my dad is hanging out with Rich today, so there's a chance he still isn't home yet. But I won't take that chance.

I walk into the house and drop my bag at the foot of the stairs. Then I take my jacket and shoes off. I hang my jacket up and that's when my dad appears at the living room door. "Hey, y/n. So, how was school today?" He asks, leaning against the doorway. I shrug "It was... good". He nods "Good. What happened to your shirt?". I look at the stain and sigh "Oh... uh, nothing really. Just spilled juice on myself at lunch". "Okay, well bring it down to wash. Got any homework?" He replies. I shake my head before starting to go upstairs "Nope". I don't wait for him to answer to that as I head up to my room. I sigh and shut the door tightly behind me. Then I lie on my bed, on my back and that's when the tears start.

After a few minutes, I get my phone out. Then I click on the music app (Spotify/itunes, whatever you use) and find my Louden Swain playlist. I click on shuffle, then put my phone on my bedside table, allowing my dad's voice to fill the room. Not too loud, just enough so that it's comforting. I sigh before moving to lie on my front with my face buried into my pillow. Once again, tears cloud my vision and I close my eyes to listen to the music playing. Hey Darlin, is the song playing. That's my favourite one to listen to when I'm upset. At some point during the song, a sense of calm finally washes over me and I eventually fall asleep.

Third POV

As Rob stirs the sauce for the pasta, he hears his other daughter, Audrey call for him from the kitchen table. Where she is doing homework. He turns around "Yeah?". "What's fifteen plus negative two?" She asks him. He chuckles "I don't know. You tell me". She pouts "I don't like negative numbers. They make everything so confusing!". He smiles, shaking his head "Let me see it". He walks over to the table, then sits across from her. She passes him the sheet of paper. He sighs, noticing the little sign saying 'no calculator'. "Well, if you understand positive numbers, just do what you did for that. But backwards" He explains. She huffs "I tried that already". He shrugs, giving her the sheet back "Just use a calculator. No one will notice". She chuckles "Yeah, no one will notice that I grew ten times smarter during the course of a day". Rob smiles "Trust me. Anyway, dinner is ready so put that away for now and go shout your brother and sister down". Audrey nods "Okay".


Rob starts to worry when his oldest daughter still doesn't make an appearance. He purses his lips as Calvin and Audrey clear the table after they've eaten. Then he sighs before standing up "I'm going to check on your sister". He got a call from the school before y/n got home. Apparently she wasn't in class for last period. He thought nothing of it, as he assumed it was a mistake. But when she came home, she did seem a little off. So, he heads upstairs and walks over to his daughter's room door.
He knocks softly "Y/n?". He doesn't hear a reply, only worrying him more. So, he pushes the handle down, then enters the room.

He sighs in relief, seeing she's just asleep. But then he hears something that makes him pause. His own voice coming from her phone, which is laying on the bedside table. He smiles, recognising his own song, Medicated, playing. He sighs
"Y/n?". She is sleeping on top of the covers, still dressed in her school clothes. He walks over, then sits on the edge of her bed. And he gently puts his hand on her back, rubbing soothingly before whispering "Y/n, wake up". After a few minutes, she starts to stir "Dad?". He hums "It's me, sweetheart". She slowly sits up to look at him. "So, is everything okay?" He asks. She frowns, shaking her head, mumbling "No...". She moves closer to him and he is slightly taken aback when she hugs him tightly. But he slowly returns it, allowing her to bury her face into his chest. "I got a call from the school saying you weren't in your last class. Is that true?" He mumbles. She nods slowly "Yeah, please don't be mad". He sighs "I'm not mad, I promise. I'm just worried, what's going on?". She frowns "I just had a really bad day. And then this girl said some things to me before last period. I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to go home". He nods "I understand that, y/n. What did that girl say to you?". At that point, y/n starts to cry. Rob softly hushes her "Shh, it's okay. What did she say?". "S-She said some things about you and how I like to brag about you being famous. Then she... she said you're not a good dad because you're never around" She explains. He sighs "Well, you know none of those things are true, right?". She nods "Yeah".

After comforting her for a few more minutes, he can't seem to stop himself from asking her something. He smiles "So... why were you listening to Louden Swain". Her face heats up in slight embarrassment and chuckles awkwardly "Well, sometimes I like to listen to it. When you're away, or if I feel upset, hearing your voice is comforting, for some reason". He nods "Well, that's good to know". She puts her head on his shoulder "Yeah, I wasn't planning on telling you. But, here we are". He chuckles "No, I appreciate it. But, you know you can just ask me to sing for you, if you ever need to". She smiles and nods "I know".

Hey, hope you liked this one. I actually do this sometimes. Rob's voice really calms me down for some reason. I listen to Louden Swain in general, but if I've had a bad day, or just feel upset. Which, you know, happens. It might not seem like it, but I am human. Anyway, it really, genuinely helps me. I recommend you try it the next time you have a bad day

- W.S.

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