1. Azkaban

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Authors note: I'm not great with dates. So her date of birth is probably wrong.

It was a horrible next few things that happened to the Longbottom family, especially dear baby Neville. His parents had just been tortured to insanity by loyal Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange. However, four months later Bellatrix was now filling Azkaban with her screams.

Bellatrix sneered at the prisoners cowering in the corner of their cramped cell, her tattered dress sweeping across the floor as she stalked up and down. The fools in the corner would be punished when they were retrieved by their master. It was them who ruined the mission, them who got her caught. Her fingers twitched, longing for her wand so she could Crucio them to insanity. 


Bellatrix's hands grasped onto the steel bars that framed her hospital bed she lay on, while the scowling prison matron bustled around getting what looked like torture weapons ready for her. She then found out are used to make the birthing process easier and smoother.

She had started to go into labour just over two hours ago, just as a prison guard brought round her food. He immediately noticed her state and wheeled her towards the hospital section, depositing her on a hospital bed with a look of disgust. As much as she hated the prison wardens she felt grateful for them- the fools imprisoned with her had not realised what was going on, but even they would have figured out when the baby was born, and that would have led to many awkward conversations.

"Push!" The matron shouted which made Bellatrix tense up and want to claw the women's eyes out but chose to concentrate on getting the baby out of her.


"I am pushing mud-blood!" Bellatrix shrieked. 

The matron hissed in annoyance, she was in fact a half-blood, but that didn't matter as much as the fact that Bellatrix was screaming fit to wake the dead, and screams tended to attract the dementors, something that could harm the baby. There was a reason why prisoners in Azkaban kept quiet- It was a basic survival skill.

The matron was fifty-three and had been working in Azkaban for over twenty years. During that time she had everything from bruises to force feeding prisoners. She hadn't done that all by being soft, and she was tempered - very tempered - to show Ms Lestrange why dementors hated her hospital wing when she was there. The fat bun of silver hair on the back of her head, and her shapeless white apron and black dress gave her a look of vulnerability that fooled her opponents till it was too late. But reducing the Death Eater to a bloody mess on the floor could harm the child, so she swallowed her pride and concentrated on the birth.

 Blood started to seep onto the crisp white sheets and stain them, forcing the matron to give Bellatrix several bottles of blood-replenishing potions, the dusty bottles chiming once they hit another as she forced the substance down the throat of the Death Eater. But as much as the matron hated to admit it; Bellatrix was a fighter. She'd survived unlike her many unfortunate victims. 

Lightning cackled in the black sky whilst rain lashed against the hospital window panes. Bellatrix looked outside at the raging storm, admiring it's lethal beauty, thinking about how she hoped her child would be like that, like her - the pain was too much for her to bear a cowering weakling.

Eventually a dark head started to emerge from Bellatrix's thrashing body, followed by blood soaked limbs. The matron worked quickly, dragging the new born out, cutting the chord with a swift severing charm. The baby let out a crystal-clear loud cry, letting the world know that It was alive and was going to stay a while. Despite herself, the matron smiled. There was nothing better that brining another person into the world. Taking a deep breath she turned around to examine the new born.

She was a girl. She had beautiful dark brown hair that was starting to grow, just like her mothers. She had soft pink lips and her skin was pale as the moon was shining outside, while her eyes were dark. While her eyes and hair was defiantly Bellatrix's; the rest of her came from her father, whoever he was, the matron thought to herself. 

Bellatrix coughed weakly and the matron jumped. She had forgotten about the Death Eater... not a wise thing to do. Shaking her head, she turned to show Bellatrix her baby.

"Here you go, It's a beautiful little girl!" The matron smiled handing the baby girl over to Bellatrix wrapped in a blanket. "A girl?" Bellatrix whispered, taking the child delicately. Her trembling hand hovering over the forehead of her baby. "She's beautiful" Bellatrix smiled. 

The matron was startled. Was a Death Eater sounding maternal? This was unusual. Annoyed with herself, the matron went over to her desk to grab a piece of parchment and then quickly returned. "Her name?"

Bellatrix quickly said the name she and her husband, Rodolphus had decided on. "Valencia Elara Lestrange."

Matron quickly jotted down the time of birth - 3rd November 1980, 3am. "The father's name?" "Rodolphus Lestrange" 

"I'll be off then. You can stay with her for today, but someone will come and collect her later this evening and will take her to be looked after at your sisters. Azkaban is no place for a child to grow up."

Valenica snuggled up against her mother, and turned her head to one side to avoid splashing her daughter with tears.

The day flew by quickly and Bellatrix knew it was time when she heard a rattle of keys at her cell. She then started screaming. "DON'T TAKE MY BABY!" repeatedly. 

The baby's mother's hand suddenly tightened around her arm, nails digging in painfully. "You can't have her! She's mine!" she shrieked. "MINE!" Dragging the small girl to the back of the cell, she stood in front of her.

"CRUCIO!" Bellatrix was now lying on the floor enraged as her child was taken from her, not to be seen for 15 years.

The bright light in the corridor faded slightly and a man came to the front of the cell. It was the guard from before. Suddenly a bright light flew across the cell, hitting her mother in the chest. The baby screamed in fright as her mother fell to the floor, unconscious.

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