Chapter 16: Aftermath

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The Lestrange Girl, that's what Valencia had been reduced to. Not ever was she called Valencia, if somebody wanted her attention they would just call "Lestrange Girl" and wait for her to come running. Her mother was referred to as Bellatrix or Madame Lestrange, her mother was respected. So respected that the Dark Lord trusted her to retrieve a prophecy from the Ministry.

Narcissa and Valencia stayed behind when Bellatrix and Lucius went to the ministry. They waited hours, becoming more and more anxious. 5 hours after Lucius and Bella left, Narcissa and Valencia heard a clatter in the hall. They ran to see if they had returned but found Bella lying on the floor "Where's Lucius?" Narcissa asked her sister frantically. Valencia watched her mother turn over and got onto all fours and coughed and splutter "He'll be in Azkaban"

"What?" Narcissa face drained of what colour it had. "Dumbledore and the aurors came with the Order. They're all going to Azkaban; I'd be going back if the Dark Lord hadn't taken me with him" Bellatrix coughed "He's angry"

"You left Lucius behind" Narcissa hissed. "Yes, Cissy" Bellatrix said coldly.

"You.." the rest of Narcissa's sentence was lost as she launched herself at her sister, attempting to curse her sister. Bellatrix fought her off, she pushed Narcissa off her. Narcissa pushed Valencia out of the way as she ran to her room presumably. Bellatrix stood up "Come on girl, say something" Bella urged Valencia to say anything. Valencia just stood there until finally she said "What about Father?"

"Azkaban" Bella didn't seem to feel anything. Valencia felt a pang of pain for her father, once again in Azkaban. "Are you alright?" Valencia felt obligated to ask that.

"I am fine" she paused to spit out blood onto the floor "The Dark Lord saved me and me alone" Valencia looked down at her mother; she was covered in cuts and bruises. She was sure the Dark Lord had given them to her. "Go and find your aunt and tell her that I killed Sirius Black" Bellatrix sent her daughter away.

When Valencia found Narcissa she was lying on her bed, her face buried in her pillow. "Auntie Cissy" Valencia muttered coming closer to the bed. She sat on the bed "Mother sent me to tell you that she killed Sirius Black" she heard Narcissa sniff "Go and write to Draco, we don't want him to find out by reading the prophet" Valencia left Narcissa sobbing about disgrace and family.

Valencia wrote a letter to Draco;


Your father has been captured by the ministry, he will be sent to Azkaban. My father was also captured. The Dark Lord is angry, he tortured my mother. She alone returned. The family is disgraced and the Dark Lord will punish us I'm sure.

Your mother would have written to you but she is too upset. Stay strong.

Your loving cousin,


Life changed after Lucius was imprisoned, Valencia's mother took control of the household and bossed everyone about. They were treated more like servants now by the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters. 

Draco was going to be killed, as he didn't kill Dumbledore, so Valencia stepped in; the Dark Lord was punishing them. There was no way he could succeed, even with Bellatrix teaching him. After the Dark Lord refused to give Valencia the mission when Bellatrix offered her own daughter, Narcissa went to beg Snape for help.

Valencia began training to be a soldier, her mother taught her eagerly. Bellatrix was ready for a war, and Valencia was ready.

Life was like walking on glass. When Valencia was 6 she had smashed a mirror, she had never seen anything like it. Shards of glass lying on dark wood floors, it reminded Valencia of frozen lakes. The kind she walked across when walking with her auntie, her auntie would pick up clear shards of ice and watch them melt in her hand. Valencia would watch in wonder. The glass shards looked like the ice so Valencia stepped onto it; her silk shoes were shredded along with her feet. Her Uncle had shouted at her and smacked her.

Valencia received panicked letters from her cousin; he had no idea what to do. They exchanged letter trying to comfort each other. Draco assured Valencia that he was sure that Bellatrix wouldn't kill her and Valencia assured Draco that everything would be alright. But their words were hollow, they didn't believe the lies they told each other.

Bellatrix never let Valencia or Narcissa out of her sight; she wanted them where she could see them. It was suffocating. Valencia always tried to escape her mother but somehow always ended up lying on her bed staring up. Nothing to do and nothing to say.

She didn't even have a life of her own. She practically lived in her bedroom apart from going to Death Eater meetings with her mother. She saw her mother at the meetings; even then she didn't acknowledge her. Valencia hoped every day that this life would end for her. She just wanted life to be normal like it was before the attack of the Ministry.

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