Chapter 32: Dinner

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Rodolpho stood on the platform of 9 ¾ waiting for the Hogwart's Express to pull in. There was tension in the air, and he knew that, that was because of the Dark Lord's return.

The train pulled into the station smoothly and he waited as the children streamed off in search of their parents. He spotted her, exiting a car near the rear of the train. Malfoy's boy was being a gentleman, helping the girls step down with their trunks. It was refreshing to see that at least some young men had manners. He walked down to where she was disembarking and felt a curl over his lips. She looked more and more like her mother every year. 

"Do you have all your things?" he asked as she spotted him.

"Yes, sir," she said, tone always so formal. Sometimes he was grateful for it, and other broke his heart that she was so afraid of him.

"Come along then, We are going to have dinner with the Malfoy's tonight. You can catch up with your friends later." He picked up her trunk and wrapped an arm around her shoulders before getting into the car.

After a longish drive we arrive at Malfoy manor. Draco gets out first, leaving the door open for Valencia to get out while thanking the driver so as to not rise suspicion to why he is holding it open. Climbing along the seats Valencia pulls herself and my luggage out of the car, brushing along Draco as Valencia go so that he knows she is out. Sighing Valencia opens her bag to retrieve some parchment, her quill and some ink, deciding to spend her time before dinner writing out a letter to Daphne and Pansy.

Rodolpho headed to his study and poured himself a drink. It would have been easier if his daughter wasn't quite so beautiful, but she was coming to an age where he'd need to start thinking about provisions for her future and possibly arranging her marriage to the right kind of wizard. The Dark Lord's return complicated even that simple duty. Families that might have overlooked her questionable breeding before, would shun her now, and men that he'd never have considered would have to be given at least the appearance of a fair chance. No matter what he chose for her, there would be resentment over it. The only positive point was that he at least had a few years before most would start looking at her seriously. If he could find something unobjectionable this summer, it could possibly fly under the radar.

He headed to the dining room, and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, and yanked the cravat loose. The pain from his private punishment at the Dark Lord's hands still radiated through his body. One thing was certain, he wasn't eager for a repeat of that night. The Dark Lord had put them all on notice that any future mistakes would be taken out of their hides, and possibly their children's.

That was enough to put true fear into all of them, even the most arrogant of their number. He would do whatever it took to protect his daughter, and he knew all of his fellows would do the same.


The time flies by and before she even know how much time has passed, Valencia hears Draco knock on her bedroom door as he walks past and downstairs. Quickly Valencia gets up, scampering out of the door to walk behind Draco, realising just how hungry she really is.

They walk into a great hall that the Malfoy's call a dinning room and again, Valencia notices everything is black, dark grey or green. Lots of photos hang on the walls but one catches her eye, it's a family portrait positioned on the wall at the head of the table. Draco is stood in front of his mother and father with their hands on his shoulders. As the portrait moves, you can see Narcissa squeeze Draco's shoulder and he looks at her with a real genuine smile, a smile Valencia had never seen before, even when he was with his friends. Lucius is next to squeeze his shoulder and he tenses, his smile fading into a saddened, forced one.

'My parents just put that one up, It was only taken a couple of days ago." Draco responded noticing Valencia walking closer to see it. As she had spent most of her life with the Malfoy's she knew every picture and every house elf. However, there wasn't a single photograph of her in the house, they were all taken down when she got sentenced to Azkaban, It was as if she never existed.

They both made their way down the spiral of stairs to meet Valencia's father at the door to the Dining room. Valencia came in and took her seat, placing her napkin across her lap as the meal appeared. She'd changed out of her uniform, into a simple pale green dress. 

"How did you do with you with your examinations?" Her father started with a neutral topic.

"Fairly well. I had a little trouble with Defence, but I think I managed to get a good grade," she said. "We'll see about arranging some tutoring this summer for that then. Your instruction in that subject has been abysmal, and with OWLs in a couple of months I don't want you unprepared," he said. The current climate also meant that she'd need a strong practical background in offensive and defensive magic, and it was unlikely that she'd get that education at school. He'd need to find her an appropriate tutor, and make certain she applied herself.

"Thank you, father," Valencia said.

"I heard your task was successful, I hope." Lucius asked almost glaring at her. He was just jealous, Valencia thought to herself. She was one of the Dark Lord's favourites, higher in the ranks than Lucius himself.

"Yes, It was. I hid the body.. yet Aurors found the body early in the morning. I have already addressed that with the Dark Lord himself. They have no suspicions that It was me." Valencia said glaring back at her uncle.

Draco nudged her under the table. "Ok I'm sorry" Valencia muttered. "When will the Dark Lord return?" Draco questioned trying to defuse the tension.

"In a couple of days, sweetie." His mother replied before looking down, quickly. It was clear in the atmosphere that many of the family were dreading his return. The Malfoy's in particular, Bellatrix and Rodolpho seemed really excited. Valencia looked down, she didn't know whether she was extremely excited or extremely worried, as she looked at her bruises on her arms and the scars on her wrists.

"It's good to have you home, Valencia. If you need me, I'll be in my study. Goodnight." Her father stood up abruptly.

"Goodnight," Valencia replied. 'Mother.." She nodded as she left the room.

Rodolpho let out a breath he'd been holding, as he left the dining room, with his wife's hand around his waist.

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