Chapter 34: Dress shopping

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"That leaves ten percent that are not complete idiots." Pansy laughed. "Do you think your father would let you spend the day in Diagon Alley tomorrow? We need to get our dresses for the Malfoy Winter ball."

"I haven't got an invitation for that yet," Valencia said.

"They don't go out until next week, I'm sure you'll get one," Daphne said. "Draco's mother will want to see all the witches in his circle, even the ones she won't approve of. It only makes sense. We're all getting to that age. My mother said that we should be careful about our associations, more than usual."

"We'll be ok." Daphne reached over and took her hand. "Let's just try and enjoy the summer, ok?"

"You're right." Tracey nodded and tried to shake the sense of dread sitting on her chest. Worrying wouldn't change anything. It never did.

"Can you help me?"

"With what?"

"There's going to be a ball. And I need your help because I have nothing to wear."

"Of course!" The girls all replied harmoniously giggling.


Valencia sighed for the third time since she had left Hogwarts that afternoon and tightened her scarf around herself in an attempt to combat the cold. She glanced in all the frosty shop windows that she passed along the snow covered street and frowned. Wreaths were hanging on every door, garland lined railings and roofs, and everything in Hogsmeade was merry and bright, but there was nothing merry for  Valencia when it came to dress shopping.

The annual winter Malfoy ball was in a week. Valencia still didn't have a dress and neither did Pansy. But dress shopping had never been an easy task for Valencia. The dress had to meet her special requirements, which was a long list. If they did, they usually were not flattering. She had learned to lower her standards long ago when it came to clothes shopping and it was why she rarely shopped for new clothes, much to her best friend Pansy's disappointment.

Many an outing was declined for reasons Valencia always refused to disclose. Pansy knew her friend was lying every time she made an excuse about why she couldn't or didn't want to go, but she was a good friend and never pushed Valencia to explain herself.

Valencia sighed and looked back at the shop she had been distracted by.

"Trying to find a dress for next week. I'm afraid it's been a long time since I last shopped for anything very fancy and I'm not even sure if I'll find something appropriate..." Pansy interrupted. "Nonsense! We're going to find you a dress somewhere."

"Here, this shop looks nice." Pansy said suddenly yanking Valencia's arm and pulling her into the shop.


Valencia stared at herself in the mirror, turning to the left, then the right... No, it's not right. She was just about to take off the dress she chose before a loud knock sounded at the changing room door.

"Everything alright in there?" Pansy called out, her voice laced with concern at how long Valencia's been in there. She worried her lip, hesitating as she stared at her reflection.

"Yeah." And she didn't even convince herself with that statement. Pansy sighed, muttering something she couldn't quite catch before speaking again.

"Then come on out, let me see." Valencia blinked, holding her breath as she cracked the door open.

"No one's there?" She asked.

"Nope, just me" Pansy assured, glancing off to make sure.

Valencia crept out slowly, feeling stupid as she stood in the hall in a dress that didn't flatter her in the slightest. Pansy seemed pleased, fluffing up the skirt just because it's there. "How's it fit?"

"Awful. I don't look like a girly girl... I look like a freak." Valencia shoved Pansy's hands off, about to turn and go back to the changing room to take off this stupid, stupid dress. This was an awful idea, she felt like she wasted her dear friend's time with her stupid fantasy.

"Hey-!" Pansy grabbed her wrist, "C'mon, Valencia don't go saying things like that. You're pretty, you've got to give yourself some credit. That's just your head talking saying you're not cute."

"You're just saying that." She asked, pulling her wrist from her grasp. She opened the door to the dressing room fully intending on changing back into her clothes before Pansy beat her to it and shooed her out.

Valencia quickly saw a red dress, showing Pansy. "What did you think of that one?" Pansy shook their head. "I don't think that colours right.  Try something less vibrant. And I know you don't like yellow so that's out of the question."

"How about this one?"


"Right. Too dark. Let's try this one."


"Hmm. You're right. It's a little too poofy."

"What do you think of this one?" Pansy twirled around to show off the dress from all angles, enjoying the swish of the skirt and petticoats as she turned.

Valencia shrugged. "It's fine, I guess."

"Valencia, I do believe you're getting bored of this."

"Well, you said we weren't just going to go shopping."

"And you said it was fine if we did the shopping first."

"Yeah, but it's been, like, hours." Valencia huffed out an exasperated breath and crossed her arms. "Two hours. That's not that long."

"Maybe not for you, since you're the one trying shit on. I'm just sitting here watching."

"Maybe you should try some shit - I mean, some things - on, then." Ugh, she was starting to pick up Valencia's diction again. It was terribly contagious. "Well, maybe, but..." Valencia trailed off, looking at the surrounding racks of dresses and skirts and blouses almost apprehensively.

Too many fluffy, pastel,dresses. Valencia knew Pansy would look gorgeous no matter what she was forced to wear, but she certainly wasn't going to be happy to have to wear something pink...which seemed to be where Dawn was headed.

Valencia could hear Pansy's high pitched squeak of happiness about something when Pansy stuck her head out of the dressing room door. "Get in here." Valencia looked up from scowling. "What?"

"Get in here right now," Pansy shouted at her. Valencia jumped up and came over. She sounded serious. When she was close enough, Pansy grabbed the front of her shirt and yanked her inside, slamming the door and locking it.

"I think this is dress!" Pansy squealed, excitedly. Valencia immediately started to smile. Pansy looked beautiful, she was wearing a long green satin dress that hugged her curves perfectly. "Don't stare to long, you'll start to drool." Pansy said breaking the silence. Valencia smiled again. 

"You look beautiful." Valencia was speechless. 

"I don't understand. How can a credit card ever be rejected? It's not like it's a kidney!" Pansy said as she stood annoyed at the till counter. "I don't know." Valencia slumped on a nearby chair. "When we get back to Malfoy Manor we'll find you a dress."

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