Chapter 35: Another one?

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"I'm not sure if it's working or if she's looking like a clown's tampon." Pansy said laughing at Valencia as she twirled around the multi coloured dress. "On a heavy day" Daphne finished. Pansy threw another dress which Valencia immediately caught as she headed towards the nearest room.

"NO!" Pansy almost shouted as Valencia walked into the room again. "You look like a flower, a sad lonely flower that no one wants to be around." Valencia pouted as she liked this dress.

"It's not.. that bad.. it's holding you up." Daphne spoke slowly as Valencia tried on another dress. "It's a hands-on dress, you know what I mean?" Pansy and Valencia laughed.

"This is why disco died!" Pansy almost shouted as Valencia walked in pretending to pose like a supermodel. "Oh! Oh! I'm blinded by the light!"Daphne replied covering her eyes at the silver sequin dress.

"It's like a bag of skittles. Taste the rainbow."

"You kind of look like a slutty Ebola Virius." Pansy suggested as she laughed, causing the other girls to burst into laughter too.

"I like the red dress, It's sexy!" Valencia said pointing to a long red dress that was hanging up on the back of the wardrobe closest to Daphne.

Pansy then turned to look at the dress and looked disgusted. "... which is why tonight, you need not to look like Sebastian from the Little Mermaid! The Dark Lord wont like that.. and your mother! God she'll hate it!"

"Another one?" Valencia whined as Pansy threw her another dress.

""Valencia!" Pansy called, "You can come out now." She bounced on her toes waiting for the bathroom door to open. Valencia's raspy voice blasted through the door, "No way! I am not coming out! Especially in this dress!"

Pansy scoffed, "Darling, you're being ridiculous." She headed down to stand with Pansy, who was still reeling from the shout. "I designed the dress to complement your sporting physique and bring out your messy brown hair. It's the dress you were born to wear!"

Daphne then knocked on the door before immediately turning the knob. The door served its purpose of being locked, much to Daphne's surprise. "I don't care if it was made by the Prime Minister! I am not wearing this dress! I am not wearing any dress! End of story!"

"Valencia," she spoke, "Why don't you want to wear a dress to the ball?"

There was a moment or so without an answer. In fact, the only noise any of the girls heard was the clock on the wall. There was a bit of shuffling behind the bathroom door, but that only lasted for three or four seconds.

"Uhm, well," Valencia stammered. "I just don't want anyone to see me wearing it. It's girly and the ball is girly too. As a Death Eater, I've got an image to maintain!"

The women exchanged glances, seemingly unaware of the news. Pansy gave Daphne a meek shrug. Daphne scratched her head as Valencia checked her phone. Pansy stood concerned and raised a brow awaiting further context.

Dancing is supposed to be fun. Getting dressed up for a night out is supposed to be fun. Yet Valencia feels so out of place, awkwardly leaning against one of the high-top round tables that are draped in black tablecloths, a strapless golden dress clinging to her body that's making her feel a little more bare than she cares to think about.

She'd have preferred to wear a suit, but their selection was limited on short notice; and she wasn't about to make Draco trade with her, just so she could cover her arms.

"I understand. I'll criticise you when you're wearing something that looks so cheap. It's a disgrace to me." Pansy replied making Valencia and Daphne laugh. "What about this dress?" Daphne asked pulling out a long red and white dress with a high neck and long sleeves and the skirt was long enough to fall just past her knees. "I love it!" Valencia exclaimed hugging both of her best friends. But holding Pansy harder and longer.

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