Chapter 36: Malfoy Winter Ball

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The day of the ball has finally arrived, and Valencia would be lying if she said she wasn't excited. It's very unusual for her to wake up early, but the anticipation for the night got her on her feet. With a flick of her wand, she got her dress hanged and pressed. She looked at it once more with a smile before she left for her first class of the day. She was in such a good mood she thought that even a scolding from Professor Slughorn for messing up a potion wouldn't bring her down.

The day went by quickly and soon it was 5 o'clock. The Ball started at 7 o'clock, but the girls had to get ready and then apparate to Malfoy Manor.


The decor, food, and drink were all top notch and Theo was thankful for the four bottles of wine at every table. He was pretty sure he was going to need an entire bottle to himself to get through the evening with how much attention his father was bringing to him.  He'd also need to probably down another one thanks to the many women, single or not, that were clambering to dance with him. He hadn't been at the gala for long and he had already danced with no fewer than five ladies. They were all lovely, but not at all his type. He was waiting for Astoria to arrive.

And then he saw Valencia walk in. She smiled when others greeted her once she was close enough.

The red and white dress they had chosen looked lovely on her, just as he knew it would, with a high neck and long sleeves and the skirt falling just past her knees. Her hair was left down to cascade in golden waves over her shoulders and back, a band of holly adorning the crown of her head. 

Valencia returned his nod of acknowledgement then turned away, searching for a glass of champagne and an empty seat. It wasn't that Valencia hated these sorts of parties. In fact, she quite enjoyed seeing her friends and other Death Eaters in a setting outside of work, but she had never been fond of such formal gatherings. It could get exhausting having to deal with so many high ranking officials in a stuffy room for several hours. She would much rather have been home by herself spending the night in peace and quiet.

No matter how busy the guests seemed to be keeping Theo, he continually stole glances at Valencia throughout the night. All he wanted to do was sit down next to her and talk or dance with her as opposed to the seemingly endless line of others vying for his attention. Thats when he realised he loved her, but it was too late. She left and never looked back.

 But, he had a reputation to maintain, so he kept up his charming smile and accepted each request to dance. 

"Not enjoying the party?"

The soft voice instantly eases some of the tension from her shoulders and she smiles, looking up to meet Draco's eyes.

"You call this a party?" Valencia asks, scanning the room. Draco turns and takes a look for himself, a thoughtful frown on his lips. "There's technically food, and some people are dancing. I suppose it has to qualify."

"Valencia, would you please sit down?" She pouted but followed her cousin's request. He had dressed up as well, though of course her dress was way prettier. "Look at you, dressed to impress " Draco spoke as he nodded his head commending Valencia's look "who's date are you trying to steal?" he joked as he grabbed onto Valencia's arm tightly.

"But actually who's your date?"

"Pansy." Did he blush? Valencia leaned forward to get a better look. "Aww, that's so sweet!"

"Valencia ..."

"She is really cute."

"Please don't talk about my best friend like that." 

Draco chuckles. Valencia clicks her tongue. "Draco, no," she says with a shake of her head. "Come on, we both know it's not a party until something scandalous happens." Draco giggles on the word 'scandalous' and Valencia's smile grows a little wider before she continues. "People need their party story to take home, after all."

"Scandalous, huh?" Draco quirks an eyebrow, looking back at Yang.

Pansy walks over. Her hand is extended out in Valencia's direction and she hesitates, the smile slipping from her lips at the offer. It's not that she doesn't want to, it's that she does. A lot. But there's still a lot unspoken between them, a lot they haven't mentioned; like the way Valencia has taken to putting her arm around Pansy's shoulders whenever they sit near each other, or the way Pansy seems to scoot a little closer until she does.


The gentle prompt brings her out of her stupor and she looks up at Pansy again.

Gods, she looks so gorgeous tonight. Valencia always thinks that, but tonight she can't help but think there are others thinking the exact same thing as her when they look at Pansy. How could they not? Her new hairstyle defining the cut of her jaw, her eyes sporting just a little more eyeliner than usual, the tight black dress she's wearing clinging to every perfect curve of her body...

Valencia swallows hard and finally slips her hand into Pansy's. Her partner smiles and begins to lead them to the dance floor and Pansy can feel the eyes in the room turn on them – harsh and judgmental and cold, just like the rest of this godforsaken place.

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