Chapter 15: The dungeon

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Sometimes it's just one thing that can change a person's life.

If you haven't experienced it, you've at least seen it; in the lives of those around you, in books, in the serial life of a TV character or in the short span of a movie. It could be a glance across a crowded room, turning left on a street instead of right or the first wail of your newly born child. It's different for everyone.

For Valencia, it was having the Dark Mark carved into her arm.

She'd been driven by duty to her Pureblood lineage; by fear of her father's wrath if she did not do as she was expected; her wish to not see sadness and disappointment in her mother's eyes; all of this drove her to take this permanent scar, to be forever branded as a Death Eater, a slave to her Master's wishes. Valencia was staring at her, quickly pulling down her sleeve when Pansy and Mildred walked into the room. Valencia was trying to cover up her bruise which had appeared overnight, from the night before when the Dark Lord hit her and tortured some other Death Eater because Harry escaped, with important information.


Tonight was the party in the Slytherin Dungeon. Slytherin parties are always the best. Blaise is the best dancer in their year. His strong body is clad in a close-fitting knit shirt with a low v-neck in Slytherin green, and sleek dress trousers. Pansy is breathless from executing the traditional, complex steps that she learned with her brother when she was a child; she and Blaise are at the center of attention of those left at the dungeon party.

She moves with Blaise, stepping in and out of his space, and smiling up into his beautiful dark eyes. This is their time, Saturday night, for letting go, for forgetting the hell that is their seventh year at Hogwarts. The expectations of the Carrows, the tense fear of their parents, the suspicion and hatred of their classmates: Pansy's become tired of waiting for the hammer to fall. The future looms bleak. With Dumbledore dead, Harry Potter missing and the Ministry fallen, hope is dim.

The alcohol flows freely courtesy of Blaise and Theo; Valencia can taste the tang of Firewhisky as she brushes her mouth against Theo's lips. Sixth-year Harper had even obtained Muggle marijuana, and his age mates are smoking the weed by the fire.

"THEO!" Valencia shouts. Theo turns around turning his gaze from his friends to Valencia. "I'm in love with you and I'm telling you straight up!" Bloody hell Val, you're hammered!" Blaise shouts as him and Theo walk closer towards her. "I want you to be my boyfriend, do you except or deny?" Blaise nudges Theo. "I bet you ten gallons she wont remember a thing in the morning." Blaise whispered into Theo's ear and he laughed in response.

"Oh Val, I can't with you." Pansy shouts over the loud music pulling Valencia off the drinks table, where she had spent most the night. "What do you have to say Theo?" Adrian goads. "Bitch get out of the way." Valencia shouts at Adrian. Theo slowly walks closer to Valencia and Plants a deep kiss onto her lips which soon turns into a big make out session. Pansy couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. 

The crowd on the dance floor ebbs and flows; the boys neat and polished as their parents had trained them, and the girls colourful as butterflies. The older girls are all dressed, or undressed, to entice. Through the press of bodies over Theo's shoulder, Valencia catches a glimpse of Daphne Greengrass sitting in Blaise's lap, her top unbuttoned low and her lips parted. As Valencia twirls closer, she sees the glazed look in Daphne's eyes as she leans back to kiss Blaise.

Vincent and Greg lurk nearby, watching Blaise's hand reach to unbutton another button.

The party is well advanced, and still crowded, even though more than half of the younger years are already heading back to their rooms, or pairing up and disappearing to dark corners of the dungeon. The curious ones still lurk around the edges of the room, watching, seemingly waiting for some signal. Valencia can see their eyes gleaming in the candle and firelight. Her hands skim down Theo's strong shoulders and arms, taking his hands for the next dance. She sees in his eyes what she feels: anticipation and excitement. The best part of the night is just starting.

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