Chapter 39: worry

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Valencia wouldn't mind his tasks if she knew when the next time she could see Pansy would be, but the Dark Lord did not show any interest in Hogwarts as he was occupied searching for Potter. At least Valencia heard news about the school from other Death Eaters and knew she was safe, which was all Valencia could ask for while being in the situation she was. Knowing that, she didn't mind heading into dangerous situations where the outcome might just as well be death.

"There are rumours saying Harry Potter is hiding in Hogwarts," the Dark Lord said one day in the beginning of May. "This is his time to die, prepare for battle."

It was like ice ran through her veins when she realised just what the Dark Lord asked them to do, they would attack Hogwarts, where Pansy currently was. Her biggest worry was the Death Eaters, not all cared who they killed as long as they could use their spells on them, and the Giants barely saw the difference between Death Eaters and enemies. There was no possible way of getting to her before the attack, and that thought scared her more than anything in her life.

Knowing there was nothing she could do; Valencia prepared herself for the battle, knowing that it might be the end of her, determined to look for her at every opportunity she got, and if she did find her, she would flee.


"Did you hear?" a girl told her friend which was sitting next to Pansy, catching her attention. "All the ghosts and portraits are talking about it; there will be a battle soon." Her friend gasped. "Here, now?" Pansy didn't hear the rest of the conversation as she was occupied thinking about Valencia. If it was true, then she would be by the Dark Lord's side, fighting.

She knew their romance might be foolish, but she couldn't help herself, Valencia was perfect. She was beautiful and loving towards her, she was also her best friend. But the way she walked, the way she walked was all about power, which was what Pansy saw the day she entered the Great Hall and that attracted her more than good looks. At first she thought it was only a fascination that would never be satisfied, but then Valencia showed interest in her, and then her feelings grew into a crush.

The only way they could be together was if the Dark Lord won, and that meant a lot of bad things would happen to a lot of people, whether she liked those people or not. She was a Slytherin, and Pureblood as well, but that didn't mean she wanted others to be tortured and killed in order for her to have a pure society, she only wanted them gone.

Minutes passed where they knew nothing about what would happen. Nobody said it, but they all feared their future. It was one of the portraits that told them to get dressed because there was a meeting being held in the Great Hall. Not wanting to waste more time in the dungeon than needed, everyone ran to their cloaks and headed up to the Great Hall. It seemed like everyone was gathered in the Great Hall, students, teachers, ghosts, portraits. Pansy could see that the youngest students were the most frightened, which was understandable since they had not been around long enough to experience the problems that followed Potter. McGonagall shortly informed them about what happened, how Severus Snape was no longer there, and how the students would be evacuated. Pansy almost wanted to stay in order to find Valencia, only changing her mind as soon as she realised how foolish the plan was.

Then, the most awful voice ran through the school. She had not heard his voice before, but instantly knew who it belonged to- with the coldness in his voice, which seemed to run deep in her soul. He demanded they hand over Harry Potter, telling them nobody would get hurt if they did as he wanted. That was her opportunity, her only chance, if she could hand him over then she and Valencia could be together. Standing up, she pointed at Harry and screamed. "But he's there! Potter's there! Someone grab him!" At first she believed the other students planned to grab him, but instead they stood between her and Potter, sending her some nasty looks. She didn't fear the mass of students at first, but then they pulled out their wands. I only want Valencia to be safe, she thought to herself as she prepared herself for some nasty curses. Luckily for her, McGonagall quickly ordered Mr. Filch to evacuate them first.

Feeling awful for her outburst, but at the same time fearing what would happen to Valencia, she obediently followed the caretaker. All she could think of as they were led away from the Great Hall, away from where the battle would be held, was that she would not know the fate of Valencia, and that she would not see her one last time. All she wished for as they were led through the cold halls of Hogwarts was that she wanted to see Valencia once more, to feel her arms around hers, and to feel her lips on hers. All she wanted was to spend time with the one person she loved. Looking back at the school one last time, she knew that whatever the result would be, the school would be changed forever, as would her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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