3. Mass breakout

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Today a dark and dreary day like any other on this horrid island. The screams of despair and the moans of melancholy fill the air. The mad prisoners of Azkaban screaming and banging on the walls, they're going out of their minds just as they do every other day. But on a day like today, something different happened. The chilling screams still rattled the air. The overall feeling of despair still was felt by every prisoner.  

Four years after Valencia had been sentenced to Azkaban her father, Rodolphus Lestrange examined the prison, however he had no idea that she had been taken there. He had flown there, along with fifty other Death Eaters, to free his wife and their comrades. The wards had been difficult to get through, but their ward specialist a weak spot, enabling them to slip onto the island. Their spy in the staff had reported that every week, the Dementors would leave the building to feast upon a number of unfortunates sentenced to be kissed.

If they failed, The Dark Lord's wrath would be unimaginable, they would defiantly not survive. They walked up slowly walked up the gravel path, wincing as they felt the gravel crunch under their feet. The heavy double oak doors were very difficult to open, but a barrage of sickly yellow  bludgeoning hexes soon took care of the problem.  

They swished their wands carefully as they entered, making a complex pattern that got rid of the silver bars of each cell. One of the Death Eaters left in search of wands and Rodolphus went in search of his wife.


Bellatrix looked up. Her husband was standing in her cell. "The Dark Lord had sent us to get you and the others out, but we don't have much time! The Dementors are going to come back from feeding time any minute now." Bellatrix clambered off her bed as Rodolphus looked around her room to see if anyone else was there. 

She and Rodolphus darted away, dodging spells and helping their injured comrades. Bellatrix Lestrange, delved deep into the prison, far deeper than she meant to go, opening cells in her wake, unlocking the chains around the prisoner's ankles and arms. Almost every Death Eater had been freed, and soon they would be ready to wage war on the Ministry again. Their master would be pleased.

The same matron that had helped Bellatrix give birth 14 years ago stalked through the twisting halls of Azkaban, feeling both scared and relieved. The attack that had happened a few hours ago had injured many, however only two guards had died. They had tried to stop the Death Eaters from leaving, and had paid a huge price for their foolishness as the Death Eaters were armed and ready.

Shaking her head, she carried on walking through the halls, checking the wounded and repairing broken masonry (stonework). Most of the cells bars had been melted into puddles of goo, with the prisoners they had held long gone. 

On this day, there was a mass breakout from the almost impenetrable Azkaban. 

                                                                      .      .       .

Today was a day most people would never forget; today was the day when the Death Eaters escaped from Azkaban. Not only was it Death Eaters that had escaped, but no-one had ever escaped from one of the most feared places in Britain, except for Sirius Black two years before. 

The biggest question was how? How did a group of people locked in a cell guarded by Dementors escape? 

The Ministry of Magic had already talked to the Muggle Prime Minister about the danger of the Death Eaters and had a team of Aurors searching for the escapers. The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, had called a press conference in an attempt to ease the public unrest. Fudge walked up to the podium and cast Sonorus on himself.

"Today at roughly 1327, Captured Death Eaters including Bellatrix Lestrange, escaped Azkaban. We ask the public to try and stay calm, but to keep a look out for this convict. We have questioned all in Azkaban and have come to the conclusion the Death Eaters used Dark Magic to escape. The Dementors where not present due to their, err, need to eat. Um, is there any, er, questions you would like to, um, ask?"

"Rita Seeker, Daily Prophet. What is the Ministry doing to try and capture them?"

"Oh, er, there is a team of Aurors are looking for them. Wanted posters are also being put up and the Muggle Prime Minister had assured us if any Muggles see them, he will contact us as soon as possible."

"The Muggles know about them then, Minister?"

"Um, only the Prime Ministry knows who they really are." The Muggles believe they are  wanted Muggle carrying a Muggle wand "Thank you, Minister."

"Any other questions? No?"

"That is the end of the conference, Ladies and Gentlemen. You'll be the first to know anything, that's my promise." With that, the Minister left. 

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