Chapter 23: Cheater

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"Hey, Valencia?" Pansy asked quietly, almost nervously. She glanced at her over her breakfast. "Yeah?" Valencia responded, looking up slowly"You used to be with your boyfriend, all the time. But I haven't seen you guys together for weeks. How come you never mention him anymore?" Pansy's voice was unsure, almost hesitant. Valencia sighed, knowing that she had been curious for days about what had happened between Valencia and Theo.  "We broke up because we didn't work out," Valencia replied, looking back down sadly. "But you said you loved him," Pansy said.

"Love isn't always everlasting," Valencia replied, a fresh wave of sadness crashing over her. "Anyways, I'm over him. So over him." Maybe if she continually said it, she would believe it, Valencia thought. Pansy didn't believe her, but she also decided not to press Valencia for the truth. Not yet, anyways. Still, she could tell Valencia were quite upset, so she gingerly reached over and took Valencia's hand in hers. "Love always hurts, Pansy," Valencia said. "Why does it matter?"

"Because he is a fool to leave you," Pansy told Valencia, bringing a slender hand up to stroke her hair. "Who says he left me? I was the one to break it off," Valencia suddenly shouted. "A good decision, if ever I've heard one," Pansy mutters, half-growling. "But, in all seriousness, did he hurt you?" There was silence. "Not physically," Valencia said evasively. "Pansy, just drop it, okay? It's not important,"

"The worst pain often isn't physical, Val. Don't downplay it. Anything that hurts you is important,"

"Well, it's not important for you to know about," Valencia grumbled, but she knew Pansy will keep pestering her until she's told him what's wrong. Unlike her ex-boyfriend, Pansy is persistent, which can be annoying, but also incredibly sweet at times. Sometimes Valencia didn't want space, she wanted someone to hold her protectively and promise to always be there. "Please tell me," Pansy implores.

"I just can't trust anyone anymore!" Valencia said as tears fell down her eyes. "Why?" Pansy asked, worriedly. "Because the one person, I thought would never turn on me. Turned on me. The one person, I thought would never hurt me. Hurt me. The one person I thought, would never leave me. Left me." Valencia said wiping her eyes as more tears continued to fall down her stained cheeks. "Don't cry."

"So tell me... why I should trust anyone else?" Valencia bite her lip. Would Pansy see her as worthless if her own boyfriend didn't want her? "He cheated on me," Valencia whispered, even though you know it's of no use. Pansy would hear her anyways. She turned away from her, tears pricking at her eyes. Valencia viciously wiped them away, angry at herself for crying for what seemed like the thousandth time. It had been almost a month ago! Why couldn't she just let go?

"How could he do this to me?! I did so much for him and he decided that he wants to go fuck someone else! Maybe I was not there as much as I should have been for him but at least he could have told me that he wanted to end it before going to find someone else." Valencia said to Pansy.

"Life is hard, you need to be strong from inside" Pansy said wiping a tear that was falling down Valencia's cheek. "If you're going to let one stupid prick ruin your life, you're not the girl I though you were. You're Valencia Elara Lestrange!"

"But I'm so broken that I can feel it. I mean, physically feel it. This is so much more than being sad now. This is affecting my whole body, Pansy. I feel like I can't tell anyone, or show anyone me when I'm like this."

"You can always tell me. Relationships are like glass, sometimes it's better to leave them broken then try to hurt yourself by putting it back together." Pansy finished.  

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