Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

Being back a Hogwarts after the winter holidays always felt like it was a calm before the storm. The more life-threatening adventures were always just about to begin, and Jasmine knew that she was going to need to figure out a way to destroy the horcrux in the room of requirement without causing too much damage to the school...and not to mention that Dumbledore couldn't find out what she was doing.

So, here she was in the library, her charms homework spread out before her in an attempt to draw her mind away from the looming task before her. It wasn't doing much good if she was being completely honest with herself. Her mind kept wandering back towards the serpent in the bowls of the school and all of the different ways it could end her journey in this timeline with a single glance of its deadly eyes.

Jasmine decided basilisk venom was the best way to solve the horcrux problem, but that meant that she was going to have to slay the serpent roaming around the basement and that was always a tossup for whether she lived or died. Second year and fourth year deaths had been a running issue in her life cycles. For all the nine lives she lived she barely made it past fourteen in more than half of them.

There were just so many variables in those years...but here she would be in completely new territory. Jasmine figured she could always kill the basilisk with a rooster. Ginny wouldn't have killed them all, not to mention that Jasmine knew more than enough transfiguration to just make one, have it crow and have the bloody snake drop dead. She had done that in two different lives and had been successful. She also died twice before the stupid bird would do anything.

Fawkes wasn't always there to save the day if she went a day too early or is she tried to take care of the problem a year too soon.

Though, she still had a few months to plan this. Jasmine didn't want to run into the chamber wands blazing and hope for things to work out. That was far too Gryffindor of a plan and she still needed to work out more than a few kinks in her plan.

"You seem to be glaring a hole into your charms book. Did you finally find a spell that's causing you trouble?" Remus asked settling down across from her. He was paler than normal and if her memory of the lunar cycle was correct, he'd be transforming in the shack in a couple of days.

Jasmine turned her gaze to her messy work. It wasn't due for another week, but she always liked being ahead of her assignments.

"I just have a lot on my mind."

Remus let out a small huff of a laugh, as he pulled out his potions book. They had a six-foot-long essay on love potions due at the end of the week. Jasmine had already finished it. She had dealt with more than her fair share of those horrid concoctions as Harriet.

"It certainly seems like it. You're usually very organized when it comes to your work. Do you want to talk about it?"

She did, but it just wasn't possible to share it with him at this point in time. "Life is just catching up with me. Everything is just moving so quickly..."

Remus put his quill down and his eyes moved away from his textbook. "Is this about the marriage proposal with the Black Family? If it is, Jazz, you didn't sign anything, they aren't going to force you into something."

She laid her head down on the table, twirling her quill between her fingers. "It doesn't have to do with that. Sirius and I talked about it and came to an understanding with one another."

"If you're sure. I know that things can seem complicated. You dealing with marriage proposals and leaving home for an internship after the summer holidays...all of it has to be stressful. I can't imagine what you're feeling, but you're going to do great. The Ward Masters have to know that they picked the best candidate they could find. Jazz, you're brilliant with runes and anyone would be lucky to have you."

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