Chapter 106

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Chapter 106

Two weeks passed before the goblins notified Jasmine that they had found an illegal artifact in the vaults and that she needed to stop by her office. Ironblood had said it was paramount she come today.

She had decided to stop by after the boys finished the mind healer appointments. Usually, Fred and George would take a much needed nap, while Bill and Charlie would either work on school work or read a book. Euphemia and Monty were with them since Sirius was officially quitting the Aurors today. It was a big day all around for their little family.

When she entered the office, she saw a small pouch like bag sitting on her desk. It had a bright yellow ribbon tied into a messy lopsided bow resting on the top. She ran a few diagnostics on the bag to make sure that it wasn't cursed, and when she detected nothing, she opened it and let out a laugh at the contents inside. The goblins had left a smoldering pile of a ruined horcrux on her desk as a gift for her. Ironblood, one of her favorite goblins, left a note thanking her for her due diligence as a member of Gringotts and reporting the abomination.

Ironblood, it seemed, had a sense of humor.

It was rare to find that in a goblin.

Death was hovering over her shoulder, his power was dancing along the ruined horcrux and pulling the remaining piece of his soul out of the black magic.

"You should befriend more goblins..." Death advised as he finished taking Tom's soul fragment.

She hadn't planned on staying too long. The boys still needed her, but she had a handful of projects that required her in-office notes. Jasmine turned toward the piles of books and parchment around her office and sighed. Merlin only knew where those notes were...

As she was digging through some information on Indonesian warding someone knocked on the door. With a snap of her fingers and the lock clicked and the door opened. With her rune vision she could tell it was Sirius.

She motioned for him to come in with a wave of her hand. His meeting must have just finished. He walked in and approached her from the left.

"Jasmine-" he began to say, reaching a hand out to touch her, but before he could get any closer Jasmine had her wand out. She hit him with a silent, but powerful, stunning spell. He was blasted backwards into the wall. A shower of books pelted him to add insult to injury. She pulled her knife out as she squatted down next to him. The blade was a hair's breadth from his jugular to keep him from moving.

She conjured her patronus with a practiced motion. "Bella, we have someone imitating the Heir to the House of Black in my office."

It was Bella's job to deal with threats to the family.

So, while the stunner was still affecting the intruder, Jasmine went into her desk drawer and pulled out manacles that the goblins had given her to deal with contract breakers.

Jasmine tipped the imposters head with her flat end of her knife after she secured the manacles. "Now, who are you? Because you certainly aren't Sirius."

Jasmine's would be kidnapper helplessly wiggled around on the floor after she had bound and them. The manacles had special enchantments to bind the wearers magical core. They were Auror grade, so she wasn't concerned that the imposter would be able to break out any time soon. She rolled their left sleeve up, there was nothing there, but that would change. Jasmine wanted proof of that they were in fact a Death Eater. It was always one of the first things that appeared after polyjuice started to wear off. Magic as dark as the mark doesn't take kindly to being hidden.

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