Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

Jasmine leaned against the door to her office, her arms crossed over her chest. Her right hand was gripping her wand. She wasn't going to allow Tom any openings.

No matter how charismatic he looked, the bastard was a monster. "I thought that I would stop by. I heard that the Weasley Family has fallen on some hard times. I thought I would pay my condolences, since you've seemed to have taken them into your home," he replied with a slimy grin that might charm his fellow politicians, but caused a shiver to run up Jasmine's spine.

She let out a long sigh. Launching him into the fountain seemed like a wonderful idea. That had been immensely satisfying. He had to be aware that she still had the power to eject him if he overstepped his bounds again. "The boys have had a hard day. I'm taking them home. I'll pass along the message."

She wouldn't be passing along any message.

He gazed over her shoulder to where Sirius was still looming.

The stubborn idiot hadn't left with the others. He hadn't moved from his spot a few paces behind her. Jasmine could feel Sirius glaring at Tom from behind her. Tom was gloating, plain and simple. He no doubt had some other agenda, but for the moment he was basking in his small victory.

But, he forgot one thing, this was Jasmine's domain. He couldn't do anything drastic here without being thrown into a fountain or Jasmine hexing him. Hell, Jasmine had a more deadly runes she could use against him if he got aggressive.

The Dark Lord smirked. "Heir Black, do be careful about spending too much time around Lady Peverell. People might start to get the wrong idea. Those boys need a stable home life, not a revolving door of male suitors."

Jasmine held an arm out to stop Sirius' from lunging forward at Tom. If there was one thing that really riled Sirius up, it was Jasmine's virtue. Which was a bit too ironic for her, since he's the one that took it in the first place. "Mr. Riddle, I think you need to watch the way you speak about a Lady of an Ancient and Noble House," Sirius growled lightly pushed against Jasmine's outstretched arm.

Tom's lip curled in disgust as he watched Sirius slowly calm as he raised an eyebrow at Sirius. "Is there a reason that you are still here, Heir Black? You don't need to defend her honor, since she doesn't appear to have any in the first place. Is there a reason that your family hasn't cut ties with her? According to most dark families you could do better."

Jasmine resisted the urge to roll her eyes. It's like he'd been talking to Marlene. Just because she spoke with people of the opposite gender did not mean she was sleeping with them. Merlin, how old do they think they are? I suppose in this case they were correct about who Jasmine was sleeping with, but it was really none of their business. Bill was more mature than this and he was a first year.

"As much as I love hearing about what uninfluential dark families think of me in their spare time, I think that it's time you leave, Mr. Riddle. You and I both know why you're really here and it isn't to mock me. You have a message."

Tom chuckled, it sounded almost inhuman coming from his mouth. He was usually torturing someone in Harriet's lives when he cackled manically with Bellatrix Lestrange. Jasmine didn't think she'd ever heard him chuckle. She wasn't sure which one was worse. "It's adorable that you think you know what I'm about to do. The Dark Lord is done toying around the Great Britain. Those that don't fall in line, will be removed, or broken until they fit. There's a vote in Wizengamot coming up, Lady Peverell. I'd be there if I could, if only for the spectacle."

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