Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Jasmine felt her heart ache at the mention of Luna, who could never venture on with her to this life. Theo and Blaise's deal with Death didn't expend to their other friends. Luna was also tied together with Lady Fate. Death would never strike any kind of deal with her. Fate tended to be rather territorial with her charges.

Luna had been a constant fixture in the timeline Harriet was originally a part of. Now, it seemed she was taking part in influencing things spiritually. "What do you know about Luna? And who told you my name?" Jasmine croaked, her eyes watering slightly.

What was Fate doing? She wasn't supposed to meddling, not yet. It always made things worse during her past lives.

Pandora smiled an airy smile that was all too familiar to Jasmine. It was obvious where Luna had gotten her looks from. "I had the oddest dream of a young girl that looked an awful lot like me...She told me that I needed to help you save the world and that you're from the future. She claimed that Lady Fate had a hand in this."

That bloody figured.

Lady Fate had always been a temperamental bitch towards her, but she needed Jasmine to help save the magical world just as much as Death did. She just had a very odd way of giving her help. Sometimes Jasmine swore that Fate favored Voldemort, just to keep things interesting.

While Jasmine was never one to refuse help. She wasn't entirely sure what Pandora could offer her. She seemed far too sane for Fate to have chosen her to assist her. "How would you help?" Jasmine asked, eyebrow raised questioningly. She was leaning against one of the many tapestries lining the wall. The hallway was nicely devoid of paintings that could spy on them, but Jasmine quietly cast a silencing charm around them, just in case.

"Luna said that you'd need a seer to back up your claims of future knowledge. If you're going to save the magical world, you're going to need all the help you can get without raising any kind of suspicions about your true origins."

Like anyone would have believed Jasmine anyway...

"Do you have claim to seer blood?"

Jasmine knew that Luna had, but she had always assumed it had come from her father, he had always been off his rocker with his head in clouds, but from the look on Pandora's face, Jasmine had been wrong.

Pandora's dreamy look vanished and her smile turned a bit predatory. This was the witch that had won her matches in the tournament. "Oh, I can do you one better than a seer. My family has blood ties to ancient Oracles and Prophetesses. Lady Fate has been looking over my family the same way Death has been guiding yours for generations. It seems that they want us to work together to solve this problem."

That was highly unlikely. Death probably had no idea that Fate was getting her hands dirty. He'd never let her live it down.

Jasmine felt her mouth go dry. No wonder Luna's predictions nearly always came true in some form or another. A seer made prophecies that would sometimes come true, but most were self-fulfilling and could be broken under the right circumstances. Oracles and Prophetesses were different. Their predictions would come true unless something was done differently to stop the outcome, and even then...the universe usually kept trying to make their predictions come to pass, a true prediction of Fate.

Their abilities were also something that they could learn to control, usually though familial teachers or trusted instructors. Pandora more than likely died before Luna's budding abilities began to show.

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