Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

Jasmine and James made their way over to Danuja Fujiwara, one of the most influential people in the room. Though it seemed that many of the purebloods were unaware of the foreign magical royalty in their presence. Well, Heiress Fujiwara wasn't technically royalty, but the young woman was just about the equivalent of a Duchess in the English royal system. Most of the guests barely looked her way, and if they did it was to turn their noses up at her kimono.

Jasmine cast a silent translation spell on herself. She wasn't fluent in Japanese, she might know some of the ancient runes and enough to get through some causal conversations, but she wouldn't be able to easily speak with Heiress Fujiwara. The young woman deserved to have comfortable communication if Jasmine was able to provide it, she would. The translation spell she used had been taught to her by the runemasters for their trip around the world. It was apparently something that Simon had created on his own and not one that he shared outside of Celeste and Jasmine. Well, it was also shared with Petunia, but she couldn't do much with it.

It was brave of Heiress Fujiwara to come all the way out to England without her family in the first place. The least Jasmine could do would be to speak to her in her native language. After sorting through Jasmine's memories originally, it was difficult not hearing people speak in German constantly. She had an inkling of what the other woman was going through.

James was waving to her as they approached, gaining a small smile from the other girl. Jasmine wasn't even sure if the Marauders, besides Sirius, understood the power this young woman held. When they finally reached speaking distance Heiress Fujiwara approached them. "James, it's nice to see you. Happy belated solstice. Who is your friend?" Her English was accented, but comprehensible.

James motioned to Jasmine, grinning, "This is my cousin, Jasmine Peverell."

Heiress Fujiwara's eyes widened as she looked Jasmine over, her gaze traveled from head to toe, and then she frowned. "I thought that you would be taller..." she murmured in Japanese. The translation spell seemed to be working just fine.

Why did everyone think she was taller than she actually was?

"I've been told that more times than is probably necessary. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard quite a bit about you from the boys."

Her cheeks reddened slightly, her mouth slightly agape at the language coming out of Jasmine's mouth. Her accent could probably still use work, even with the spell helping her along. James had an eyebrow raised. He couldn't understand her, Merlin knew the boy had a hard enough time with English, so he shrugged his shoulders and excused himself with a dramatic bow.

"You speak Japanese?" She asked in a hushed whisper.

Jasmine had to resist the laugh that threatened to bubble out. "A bit, but this is mostly a very handy translation spell one of my runemasters taught me. How are you enjoying the party?"

Her nose wrinkled. "I don't understand why you celebrate a non-magical holiday. The Solstice was a few short days ago. I would have been at my family's shrine giving thanks. It's very strange here to celebrate a muggle religious holiday."

Jasmine let out a small chuckle. It was certainly strange in England. That much Jasmine could completely agree with. "I can imagine. I've been traveling the last few months and it always reminds me how old-fashioned England is, but when it comes to holidays they were one of the first countries to abandon magical holiday celebrations in favor of church mandated holidays."

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