Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

Euphemia and Monty were both overjoyed to read Sirius' marriage contract for Jasmine. She knew that they'd approved of the Black Heir. They knew him personally and cared for him like another one of their children. It wouldn't be a stretch to think that if James had been born a girl they would have offered some kind of marriage between the two houses.

James was excited, but also a bit grossed out. He didn't want to think about Sirius and Jasmine as anything, but friends, it was like both his siblings had decided to get married and it just didn't sit quite right with him. At the same time, he knew that they had been dancing around each other for years and that they weren't actually siblings. James also didn't think anyone would be able to quite meet his expectations of a marriage candidate for Jasmine the way Sirius would. They were best mates for a reason and if James trusted anyone with Jasmine's safety and happiness it would be him or Remus.

This was the best outcome for Jasmine's marriage prospects, in the Potter family's perspective and honestly, the contract wasn't awful. Sirius had written it up himself, she had a feeling if they saw the one that Orion and Cassiopeia had shown her the year before they would be singing a completely different tune. Jasmine had read over the contract at least a dozen times, looking for clauses and loopholes that needed to be fixed up or written out entirely, there weren't too many.

She noticed that Sirius had extended their courting period and gave them nearly ten years to have the required number, a decent number considering they needed at least four heirs, instead of the six Orion and Cassiopeia wanted, which was a health risk to her. Their primary accounts would all be separated and they would keep their own last names. Their heirs would hyphenate till they were of age and then only keep the house their magic was tied to. Both Jasmine and Sirius would keep their own seats on the Wizengamot and would be allowed to have their own jobs outside of the house. It seemed fair, all things considered. She probably wasn't going to get another offer like this from any suitor.

Sadly, Jasmine didn't get a chance to speak to Sirius before she had to pack up and leave for Japan with the Runemasters and Petunia. After the party she had gotten a fire-call from the Runemasters. Celeste's eyesight had taken a turn for the worst over the holiday and she was determined to see her favorite areas of the country one more time, so they had packed up early and taken the first portkey to Japan.

Though, Jasmine wondered if Celeste would be able to use a pensieve...The runemaster still had access to her memories and as long as the magic was cast properly it could insert her into her own memory which would be in color. It was all about mental perception. Jasmine wasn't sure if she physically had to be able to see for the magic to work and create the scene in her mind's eye. That would be a fascinating experiment to propose. She wouldn't say anything for a while. Celeste was very touchy about her eyes, understandably so and this was completely theoretical. She'd more than likely speak to Simon about it when she wasn't paying attention. He would probably find the topic fascinating.

"I wish we had found you as soon as you got to Hogwarts, Jasmine. We visited so many temples the last time we were here. The old rune work around Shinto templies is something to behold. The stories that I could tell you about the individual runes etched into the wood to keep them from catching fire, all the way to the protective wards against dark arts and malevolent spirits. They were truly something else," Celeste gushed as they rested on some wooden benches outside of a local train station outside of Iniba.

They were in a small countryside village, the weather was cold, but bearable with heating charms. The group was fairly removed from any kind of city, which wasn't abnormal for this internship. Jasmine could count on her hands the days they had spent in a major city. The dangers of the Japanese countryside differed from the ones they faced in the Americas. The small group had been urged to not stray from paths and not to listen to any cries in the night. The mountain area they were exploring, while laded with various old temples filled with runes, was also full of dangerous magical creatures that wanted to steal their souls. Most of them were more interested in killing them than anything else. This was honestly a very familiar feeling for Jasmine. Harriet had spent more time running from an amalgamation of different things trying to kill her at one point or another than she had living peacefully. What was one more magical creature to add to the list.

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