Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

            Wardmaster Weston had left Jasmine with quite a bit to think over. The offer was something that only an idiot would turn down...magical apprenticeships weren't something someone just turned down. The Marauders had interrogated her after the interview. They had been waiting by the exit, all three of them. Remus must have come down to the village and joined Sirius and James while she had been talking to Wardmaster Weston. He was holding Sirius and James back by their clothing as they danced from foot to foot waiting for Jasmine to make her way over to them.

The power from the runes still lingered and Jasmine didn't want to trip any of them. Just in case this was some sort of post interview test.

"How did it go?" Remus asked as he let go of the other boys' cloaks with a shrug, as if holding both Sirius and James back was nothing.

Jasmine gave a small laugh as they straightened themselves with whatever little bit of dignity they could scrape together. "I got the job...if I want it. I have a couple months to make my decision."

Sirius readjusted his tie and frowned. His gaze lingered on the post the wardmaster had been sitting only a moment before. "Why wouldn't you take a guaranteed job for after graduation? Did he say something to you?"

"That's just it. It isn't a job for after graduation. I'd have to take my NEWTs while I interned and then I'd start with a real position once Weston feels I'm ready. The only thing is that the internship doesn't end when school starts. I would have to self-study while I traveled the world with him and his wife," Jasmine explained rubbing the back of her neck.

"You'd need to drop out of school then?" James clarified, pushing his wire glasses up his nose.

Remus let out a frustrated sigh. "It isn't dropping out, Prongs. She isn't going to stop going to school all together. Jazz still needs to take her NEWTs and it is obvious that Weston is going to make sure she does. He isn't likely to let her take over the position he has in mind unless they are very high marks. She just won't be at Hogwarts with us, which would be extremely upsetting, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and it would be criminal if we didn't support Jazz in whatever she decides to do," Remus snapped at his two friends, his amber eyes lingering on Sirius, who looked mutinous with his arms crossed, not making eye contact.

She always found it ironic that Sirius had always been considered the most adaptable of the Marauders. Jasmine had always felt that he was the least suited to change out of the three of them. Sirius liked things a certain way and that was it. He could eventually be persuaded to see something differently, but that was only up until a certain point, otherwise he was stubborn as anything.

Jasmine let out a tired sigh. It was going to be a long afternoon with these three.

They walked back to the castle in relative silence. Jasmine was left to her thoughts while Sirius and Remus were having a glaring contest over her head, where they thought she couldn't see them acting like absolute children. James would roll his eyes occasionally and make it a point to look at her, which she would respond in the same way.

It was odd to think that an early apprenticeship would be an option for her. She had never been offered any kind of apprenticeship in her other nine lifetimes and she had been the girl who lived. Though, many, if not all, of the masters that took on apprentices during Harriet's time had been out of the United Kingdom. Not many wanted to stay with a dark lord running rampant, again. It was one of the reason's that Slughorn had disappeared and hidden himself away during the wars and why both Dumbledore and Voldemort wanted Snape so badly.

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