Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

Jasmine only spent another hour in the office after everyone left. Her lunch break had been later in the afternoon than she had wanted it to begin with, and then dealing with Bill for another hour had effectively taken most of her day up. It was nearing six when she got home.

The Peverell Estate renovation had been finished two years prior and was one of the most secure buildings on the continent. Only certain magical signatures could get through her wards, and even then, there was backup blood wards covering the property. If someone were to try and breach them, they would mostly likely die trying. Jasmine had spent hours poring over old tomes to make sure her home was like a vault. She was storing at least one of Tom's horcruxes here. She couldn't destroy too many of them without him noticing. Jasmine and Theo were planning on destroying all of them together with a well-placed fiendfire before they march off to go and kill the Dark Lord himself. They couldn't give him the time to regroup and attempt to make more. It was going to be an all or nothing moment.

She entered her home through her study's fireplace. The room was well lit and resembled her office back at the Ministry. She had to make sure it was as official as possible. She took private clients in this office, most close family and friends, but a few of them were Gringotts' special clientele and they paid a lot of money for her services. They also paid a hefty fee for being temporarily keyed into her office's wards. They wouldn't be able to leave the room, not without being forceable ejected from the property, but still. She didn't like strangers in her home.

There weren't too many places that Jasmine could consider herself safe. She had personally warded Potter Manor, the Malfoy Estate in Paris (the contract for their English home was pending), Grimmauld Place (her engagement gift to Sirius' family), Nott Residence, and Godric's Hallow and soon, Longbottom Manor would be added to the list. The wards were more secure then the fidelius charm.

Sirius told her that Dumbledore nearly had kneazles when Lily and James turned him down when he asked to take them under his protection. He might have a stroke when Frank and Alice tell him no as well. If she could be a fly on that wall...she could die happy.

The fidelius had too many opportunities to go wrong. Harriet had lived as an orphan due to the many ways that charm could go wrong. The concept of a secret keeper is a caveat that Jasmine just didn't want to deal with. Peter was working with the Order in this life and she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him, and even with years of constant training, was not very far.

Jasmine sighed, hung up her work robe on her coat rack and made her way towards the kitchens. Her house elves were always working to keep the place spotless and to have some kind of food on the table when she wasn't home.

But, they were more than aware that Jasmine was allowed to cook in her kitchen and not to take it as an offence to them. Sometimes, a girl just needs to stress bake. Nothing feels better than getting to bake your own cookies and then eat the results.

Tonight was not one of those nights. Jasmine just wanted to eat her dinner and then fall face first into her mattress. Though, food came first and the elves had left some kind of wonderful smelling soup on the kitchen counter. It wasn't often that Jasmine made it to the main dining table for any reason other than to entertain a rare guest.

Part way through her meal the wards buzzed against her conscious letting her know that someone had arrived. It wasn't someone that was uninvited, so Jasmine didn't stop eating. Eventually, two arms wrapped around her waist. "You will never guess what happened at our latest Order meeting..." Sirius was above her, picking up a spoon that materialized out of thin air and stealing a bit of her dinner.

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