Chapter 91

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Chapter 91

Jasmine could feel a headache building behind her eyes. It had been a long day filled with warding formulas and signing client contracts for Gringotts. Lily had insisted on calling her during her lunch break. Jasmine hadn't gotten the chance to speak to her friend in ages. Between their jobs and the war there wasn't much time for casual conversation anymore. Everything was always so dire.

So, here she was, lounging in the side room of her office, her lunch on the table in front of her. She had decorated the office with the help of Narcissa, who had handpicked each piece of furniture. Lucius and Abraxas had praised Cissy's taste in both color coordination and comfort levels when they visited for their own consultations. The room itself was large for a break room. It doubled as a library and research space. Jasmine had a desk in the corner covered in parchment and an open tome resting upright on a stand. She still had to finish the Longbottom property wards for Augusta, but they could wait till after lunch.

The walls were lined with bookshelves that were filled with information about rune and warding from all different countries. Quite a few of them were passed down from Celeste and Simon.

Right in front of the fireplace sat the best piece of furniture that Jasmine had ever had the pleasure of resting on. It was essentially a fainting couch, but Merlin, it was comfortable. In front of it sat a lovely oak coffee table.

Lily's head was poking out of the fire, her once long red hair had been cropped into a short pixie cut, making her look almost fae like in appearance. Though she had a rather prominent pout adorning her face, which ruined the fairy look.

"When are you and Sirius going to settle down? I feel like even though it is something I'd expect of him. Isn't it a bit much putting of the official engagement and wedding party for as long as the two of you have?"

Jasmine leaned back in on the couch. If only she were allowed to drink this early in the day. Fire Whiskey sounded amazing right about now.

"We agreed to wait till after the war. I've explained this to you, Lily. Not all of us want to marry right out of Hogwarts. You, James, Alice, and Frank are the odd ones. Leave me and Sirius out of your weird wedding pact."

Lily let out a huff. "I just worry about you. I don't want you to waste your time with someone who is never going to commit. You've been unofficially together for nearly four years, Jasmine. You can't even hold hands in public. Not to mention that you still have to have, what, four children together?"

Jasmine felt her cheeks heat up a bit at the reminder of the obligation of having four blood children. "Lily, we'll get there. We're taking things at our own pace. Speaking of little ones, how have you been feeling? I know things aren't exactly easy for you at home."

"Well, Harry is nearly a year old and both James and I are in hiding over some bloody prophecy. You and I both know how stupid that is. Divination is a bunch of rubbish. Thank you for warding the property, it lets both of us sleep a bit better a night. Alice told me that you're putting the finishing touches on the Longbottom Estates for her and Frank."

Jasmine waved her hand dismissively. "It's not a problem. I just want to keep two of my closest friends safe. Not to mention my adorable little godson needs to be protected from the megalomaniac Dark Lord trying to kill him."

Voldemort went underground after his failed attempted at killing most of the graduating class at Hogwarts in '78. The battles that he had started since then had been cruel and tactical. Tom Riddle lobbied with his followers in the Ministry publicly while he murdered officials in the dead of night. There haven't been many large-scale battles since '78. Dumbledore had rallied The Order of the Phoenix in response. They tried to keep the peace when battles did break out, but there weren't nearly as many members in the Order as there were the Death Eaters. Even with Jasmine securing the Black Family and Malfoy Family, there were still plenty of Purebloods that wanted to rid the world of muggleborns and muggles alike and privately fudded Tom.

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