Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

"Now, my young followers, show your devotion to me and earn my mark by killing your mudblood and halfblood classmates! Show them the superior casting form of dark magic!"

The hall erupted into pure chaos. The graduates were a scrambling around. It was difficult to see exactly what was happening, but from what Jasmine could tell there was definitely fighting going on between the student body. Did any of them really have the guts to murder someone?

Well...there was at least one Carrow and Mulciber, so more than likely at least one person was willing to kill over blood status in Voldemort's name.

"You are aware that you're declaring war? There is no turning back from this," Dumbledore asked, raising his wand as Tom cackled behind his mask bringing his arm down in a dramatic arc to attack the headmaster with what appeared to be a very strong severing hex.

People around Jasmine were screaming as a barrier was erected in front of them. Euphemia was quickly pulling the muggles behind her and a few other law enforcement officers attempted to break the runes down. If the Death Eaters were going to attack any of the adults it would either be the Minister or it would be muggles. They also couldn't be certain that there weren't Death Eater sympathizers in the crowd of parents that would be willing to kill some muggles for fun while the Aurors weren't looking.

No one dared move as they waited for someone to cast spells within the barrier.

No Death Eater had attempted to breach the wards or hurtle any spells at them. They seemed to be content to stand outside the wards and watch. The transparent walls were a dark mauve and pulsated every few seconds with renewed energy. Jasmine had seen something like this in Western Mongolia. She slipped her glasses on, which revealed the formulaic properties of the ward they were all contained in.

"Do you see anything worthwhile?" Petunia asked from behind, she sounded almost board, but Jasmine could hear the underlying panic lacing her tone.

Jasmine's eyes narrowed as she turned towards her friend. Her hands firmly holding her knives. "Shouldn't you be with Lady Potter?"

Petunia didn't need to die here. It was too dangerous for squib to be unprotected. "No one has even attempted to touch the barrier, just fling spells at it. I figured you would more than likely have a better idea on how to handle it and get us all out?"

Jasmine did, somewhat. It was a rather basic anti-apparition barrier, the runes were German in origin, but used in a way that modern Chinese wizards have adapted some western spells. In other words, someone thought they were being clever with runes, but just made a real mess. These wards were barely functioning and Jasmine just needed to knock out a few Death Eaters and the entire thing would fall apart.

The anti-apparition wards that surround the Ministry regularly tended to be stronger and more discrete in nature. They were based around a focal point in the Department of Mysteries and then grounded with Gaelic runes. The Death Eaters surrounding the wards were powering it with their magic, which explained the pulses. The Aurors flinging spells at it were only making the wards stronger.

Jasmine knew that she could break out of here fairly easily. Her animagus form tended to help with escaping situations like these.

Luckily, Dumbledore was with the students, which was a blessing. While he was a spineless coward when it came to finishing an opponent off, he was very protective of his charges. Though, he had an awful track record of protecting the students from each other and Jasmine knew there was already fighting occurring amongst the graduates.

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