Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

Despite the promise of many young children being present at Jasmine's more formal meeting, it was less chaotic than the Order meeting she had just left.

Jasmine, for one, had the space to accommodate a large amount of people. The Weasley's were fantastic people, but hosting a gathering of over thirty people was too much for the Burrow to handle.

Jasmine had left the house elves to the cooking and cleaning. They knew there was a potential for a large gathering today. Food was ready and set out with warming charms across multiple tables in the sitting and dining areas. House elves were zipping by to make sure that everything was perfect for the guests.

Cissy arrived first, her elegant ensemble of robes was of the latest French fashion, in a crisp blue. Her small baby bump was visible through the robes. She was just finishing up her first trimester of her second pregnancy. It seemed that she and Lucius were far more productive creating heirs when they weren't serving an insane Dark Lord. Though, Cissy had called her panicking two months ago when she realized that she had gotten pregnant a second time. This little one was an accident. She had wanted Draco to have at least one sibling, but not this soon. Even with magic, having children too close together could be dangerous.

Lucius has been over the moon about then entire thing, minus the health risks. It wasn't often that anyone in his family had more than one child. He had actually danced around their chateau when he got the news.

Speaking of Cissy's other half, Lucius was seconds behind her, though he was toting Draco on his hip. The toddler had a stuffed dragon clenched tightly in one hand as he rested against his father's shoulder, dozing. Lucius was still in his business robes, but he didn't seem to mind the bit of drool his son was leaving behind on the silk.

Jasmine swore that the way they used the floo was somehow different from the way she did. She always ended up nearly falling over and slightly nauseated. Sirius still had to catch her sometimes.

Cissy's grey eyes lit up when they met Jasmine's and as soon as they were close enough she enveloped her in a hug.

"Jasmine, it's lovely to see you! It's been nearly two months since we last saw you! You need to visit us in France more often."

"Yes, it was when I was doing consulting work on the wards of the English Manor." The Malfoy family had, for the most part, moved back to France for the time being. Abraxas wanted Lucius away from the war and focusing on the family business instead.

The Malfoy family was flourishing in France and it seemed that they were going to stay there permanently. Honestly, they were doing better abroad than they had ever done in England during Harriet's lives. Lucius, was, if nothing else, fantastic at his job.

Abraxas moved most of his business back to France to keep his son out of trouble. Abraxas was in charge of their business deals in England. At the moment, their English Manor was having its wards updated.

Jasmine saw more of Malfoy Senior than she did of Lucius. Though, she had to push their wards back another two months due to the last-minute Hogwarts disaster. She knew that they understood, especially since that was their secondary home. She had already warded their main chateau in France, but it meant that she couldn't visit Cissy nearly as often.

Cissy pulled away, a small frown adorning her face. "I do hope that you come and visit for things outside of business soon. I know that there's a war going on, but dear, you need some time away from all the madness."

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