Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Jasmine woke to the sound of crashing waves and the quiet humming of a Three Sisters song that wasn't supposed to come out for another decade and a half. She could feel the sand in her hair, peppering her fingers and smell the salty air from the sea that was lapping around her bare feet.

Her eyes fluttered open, the first thing that Jasmine realized was that both of them were working. Something was amiss. She reached for her face and found the scars that she'd grown used to feeling every morning were not there. The last thing that she remembered was a splitting headache before everything became fuzzy.

Had she fainted?

Merlin, Remus must be panicking something awful.

The humming stopped. "So, you're finally awake. Took you long enough, Harri." Harri? She looked down at herself and she certainly looked like Harri, long limbed, skinny and nearly as pale as the deity that she was master of. It took her a moment to recognize the voice and her head whipped around to see Theodore Nott. Her Theo, not his father who sneered at her in the halls as she lived as Harri. He had the same kind eyes that she remembered, the same perpetual pout that always seemed to grace his slightly chapped lips. He still had the scar above his right eyebrow from the flying accident he'd had as a child. He was wearing muggle clothing from the twenty-first century and honestly, she felt like crying.

She threw her arms around him, feeling the cotton of his shirt in her hands, he patted her back in a well-practiced manner. Theo had been one of the few that Death had allowed to retain their memories after every jump back into the past. The arse of a Deity had realized that it was hard to save the world alone and after Theo had realized she wasn't crazy, and indeed the Master of Death, he had a stern talking to Death. She wasn't entirely sure of the deal that the two struck with the each other to have Theo, who had no Peverell blood, to have his soul retain its memories after Harri's third life. Though, Death had been wary of the Slytherin after that confrontation, even six lives later.

"How are you here?" she breathed pulling away and waiting for Death's face to take his place, as some kind of cruel trick. She ran her hands up his cheeks. He caught her wandering hands in his.

"Well, I don't take kindly to being cheated out of a deal. Death has a lot of explaining to do with rewriting the timeline the way he has without having me, Blaise, Hermione, and Luna here with you. He wasn't supposed to leave you alone to defend yourself, it was part of our agreement. Putting you into a damaged body at the mercy of Dumbledore and Death Eaters does not constitute safe," Theo grumbled, his expression cold as he looked into the distant waves and Harri felt a cold breeze pass over them.

Death was coming.

"So, which one of you called me here?"

He grinned, all teeth and very predatory.

She'd missed him. Being homesick was very difficult when you could never go back home again.

"Death did, but I insisted that I got to talk with you first, it's the least that he owed me," he replied with a causal ease that made her once again, want to ask what the exact details of his deal were. Theo never got into specifics about it. He was very Slytherin about the entire thing and Death was just as tight lipped and the deity usually complained about anything and everything that bothered him...for hours.

It was odd being here with him again, knowing that, for the most part, this meeting was more like a dream than anything else. Even if Theo's soul was here, wherever here was, he couldn't follow her.

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