Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Jasmine's summer holiday began with relative ease after the trail ended. Tom could only do so much in front of a large crowd of people. He had left with a satisfied smirk on his face, so she wasn't entirely sure what had excited him so much when he'd lost a rather important alley. Then again, he'd gotten his wish to meet with her. Jasmine figured she had another year or so with him trying to recruit her before he outright tried to murder her, give or take a few months on either side.

Dumbledore had wished her a good holiday after the trial. It was oddly cordial of him. Maybe he was finally changing his tune towards her? Jasmine hoped he'd at the minimum tolerate her. She didn't have time for his nonsense.

Jasmine had spent the first week of break sleeping, writing letters to Gringotts and spending time outside with James. Her cousin had spoken to his parents to see a mind healer once the term ended for the year, which was honestly one of the most mature things Jasmine had ever seen James do and she was really proud of him for admitting that he needed help.

Which was what lead her to watching him practice some new quidditch maneuvers while she laid on the ground and watched. Jasmine hadn't really wanted to be in the air today, sometimes she needed a break from attempting death defying stunts. She'd leave that to James for the moment.

There was so much that she needed to get done this summer and so little time to do it. She promised that she was visit Lily sometime during the summer. They had a trip to muggle London to muddle through. Apparently, Marlene and Alice had also agreed to go, and Jasmine wasn't sure how that was going to pan out, seeing as how Jasmine still wasn't on speaking terms with Marlene.

There was little point in her worrying over something she couldn't control at this point. Marlene was upset that Sirius didn't want to date her and that Jasmine was apparently getting more attention from him than she was. Jasmine wasn't going to push Sirius away to make her roommate happy, it wouldn't be fair to herself, or the Black Heir. They just had too much fun together.

It was also going to be a long summer filled with meetings with various houses that owed her family hundreds of thousands of galleons.

She hoped that Wizarding Britain was ready for her. Voldemort had decided to go directly to her, to see her face for himself, since it seemed no one else could do the job themselves. Jasmine had no doubt surprised him, she knew that she came across rather frail and small. She was a notoriously good duelist, one that Tom would literally kill to have on his side during the war.

She did wonder what lies of grandeur he was going to come up with to try and turn her to his side.

At least Avery wasn't going to be a problem for a while. He wasn't going to graduate Hogwarts, which that was great for the students. This way, his overall reputation was ruined and more than likely most of his job options. Though, he'll join Voldemort earlier...she supposed that she'll just have to wait and see.

Not to mention that Voldemort was more than likely plotting some kind of revenge against her. Jasmine knew that he didn't take losing very well. She smiled as she thought of his manic plotting. He'd no doubt be craftier when he was still mostly in his right mind. It was be interesting to see what plans he was going to come up with that Jasmine was going to stop before they even got off the ground.

A bespectacled face obscured her vision, hanging up-side-down from his broom, a grin on his slightly tanned face. "What has you so happy? Still thinking about the letter that the Avery family sent you? Mum is still laughing about it."

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