Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

Jasmine's eyes shot open as soon as Death released her from that odd dreamscape. There was a hint of light slowly ebbing into the room from the curtains, it wasn't bright enough for it to be any later than sunrise. It was far too early for this.

She pushed herself up to see Sirius slowly rousing from the chair next to her bed. His wand was on her bedside table, definitely not where it had been the night before. Ro was nowhere to be found.

Sirius groaned, clutching his head as one eye peaked open and then shut again. He was pale, his lips thin as if he was in pain. He didn't reach for his wand. "Is it always this draining? Merlin, it feels like I've been run over by a Hippogriff."

Jasmine couldn't help the grin that was forming at the corners of her mouth. "It has been for the past few years, yes. There's a reason I would faint and have seizures at random times. Death is chatty," Jasmine admitted with a grimace, remembering all the different times she nearly died from those chats.

Sirius immediately put the pieces together. "Bloody hell, that was why you'd get so sick at random times? Here I thought that you were being stalked by a dementor for the past couple months. It turns out it was actually Death. I'm not sure what's worse, if I'm honest."

She hummed in agreement when she noticed he hadn't opened his eyes. "Death had been making itself visible to you? No wonder you always seemed to panicked when the Deity was around. Though, the fainting shouldn't happen anymore now that I'm of age, if it's any consolation."

He rubbed at his temples and hissed in pain. That seemed to make it worse if the crease in his forehead was anything to go by. "Then why do I feel awful?"

Jasmine quickly rummaged through her bedside drawer for headache reliever potion. "You made a deal with Death. Did you expect to feel pleasant afterword?" She asked as she pulled the potion out and handed it to him.

He drank it without a second thought and leaned his head back as the effects soothed the pain that had been building behind his eyes. Sirius slowly opened them, testing to see if the blinding ache would come back with bare minimum of light that was seeping into the room. When no blinding agony assaulted him, he blinked a few times before facing Jasmine.

He didn't lunge for his wand. Jasmine hoped that was a good sign that he wasn't going to attack her.

"So, I didn't dream all of that. It was real?"

Jasmine shrugged, her hair falling into her face. "As real as anything with incorporeal deities can be. Death can be a bit of an arse."

"I need to think things over. Jazz, that was a lot."

She let out a breath, "I'm aware. I meant what I said when I told you that you have a year to make up your mind. I've made peace with myself and what I am. If you can't handle me than that's it. I'll find someone worthy."

Sirius snorted, smothering most of the noise by covering it with his hand and trying to make it look like a cough. "Jazz, you're certainly something else. I just don't understand how you can stand being near any of us. I don't know how you could even be in the same room with people you watched die over and over. Why would you want to date me?"

This topic again? Here she had thought they'd gone over this already. "You aren't the same people. I never knew my parents, and you and Remus are very different then what you two were in the future I'd lived. I don't even see you as the same people. I don't understand why you're dwelling on this."

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