Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

Jasmine felt her heart stutter at the mention of an attack on the Weasley family. They had done so much for her in so many different lives. Sirius swayed for a moment and Jasmine looped her arm around his shoulders as he staggered. He had sluggishly bleeding wounds along the side of his face and neck and a deep gash on his left arm. His robes were singed and his face had dried soot and blood caked along his jaw and cheekbones.

She immediately took Sirius to the medical wing. It was slow going since he wasn't in the best condition to walk. Jasmine didn't want to cast any spells on him in case he had been hit with a dark magic. Theo would be able to deal with that.

Sirius didn't fight her as she man handled him through the door, which was never a good sign. Sirius thrived off of being a pain in the ass. As much as she would love to get all of the details of the attack Sirius seemed dazed and far too compliant. It was probably just shock, but she needed to be sure. Jasmine didn't need him passing out from untreated curse damage. It wouldn't be the first time that had happened and it probably wouldn't be the last.

War was war, after all.

Narcissa was awake and speaking quietly with Lucius when they entered the room, Draco was snoozing against his shoulder. They must have arrived through her guest floo down the hall. Thank Merlin, Cissy was alert and without a hair out of place. She looked like a queen resting in her medical wing cot. Lucius on the other hand was frazzled. His hair was more disheveled than Jasmine had ever seen it. It was wild and loose and had looked like he had run his hand though it a few too many times. He had tears in his eyes as Narcissa gripped his free hand tightly.

"Dobby and Tippy kept me safe until Jasmine and Bella arrived, love. Nothing bit me and the baby is safe."

Jasmine allowed them some privacy and looked away.

Severus was in the far corner of the wing, reading various potion vial labels and muttering to himself as Theo pointed to something on his clipboard. Severus' outfit was haphazardly put together since it was the middle of the night. His hair was pulled up in a messy horsetail at the base of his neck, his robes were free of wrinkles, but the clothes barely matched.

Sirius groaned as she pushed him onto his post mission bed for a thorough medical examination. All the Marauders had their beds in this wing right next to each other. More often than not they were all used at the same time.

Jasmine had set up the room with two dozen hospital style beds and enough storage to make a clinic jealous. Theo had all sorts of magical medical equipment set up at the rear end of the room and Severus had a small potions lab in the side room. Though, unlike the usual hospital, the sheets were of higher quality, the floor was a dark wood, and the ceilings weren't stark white, but a warm yellow in tone. Jasmine had spent too many nights in hospital wings and didn't care for the white-on-white aesthetic.

Theo walked over to Sirius and tapped him on the head with his wand before he started to flick and swish it in a very practiced and precise motion.

"Can you go one fight without getting injured? Jasmine, grab a minor healing potion. I'm going to be expelling some dark magic." Theo asked, well it was more of a demand. When Theo was in healer mode, there were no questions, just tasks he expected to be fulfilled.

Theo had his wand pointed at Sirius' face. "If you bite me, Sirius, I will not be healing you again. Do you understand?"

It had only happened once, but Theo was never going to let Sirius live that down. Jasmine rolled her eyes as she made her way towards the back of the room and towards Severus who was furiously scribbling notes on a spare piece of parchment. She opened the potions cabinet with a flick of the wrist and pulled the proper potion out. She supposed a summoning charm could have worked, but she could never remember the exact shade of red the minor healing potions were.

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