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ivy was adamant she knew what love looked like - until she met simon minter. from a young age; music, tv, movies, they all influenced her to create an idealised version of love in her head that she yearned to experience one day. and she was positive she experienced that with him, everything appeared perfect and then it crumbled.

their breakup was mutual, but it equally broke them. though a similar age, they felt as though they were at different stages of their life. simon living it up with his best friends on youtube, moving into an incredible house, so busy he almost forgot to make time for ivy. he was enjoying himself too much.

ivy, at the time, wanted to keep things on the down low. she didn't like the idea of her own youtube channel, but she could appreciate her boyfriend's efforts and understood his love for it. but she wasn't ready to do anything so big with her life as of yet and this was their downfall.

she was in the year below simon, though going to different schools, they somehow found themselves friends with the same people. so when it came to weekends, they ended up hanging out together often, simon and jj both becoming her best friends. growing up with the two boys, jj successfully taking off from a young age, it amazed her, but she couldn't imagine doing anything similar.

simon was trapped in the friend zone with ivy for sometime, he placed himself in there through fearing her feelings weren't mutual, but when he moved to hull for a short amount of time for university - it completely broke her. because at the age of 16 and 17, the two found themselves stealing whatever alcohol they could find from their parents and ending the night in bed together, both of them losing their virginities to one another.

she feared never being able to see him again, regretting not informing him that from the moment she met him he was her high school crush and they'd end up finding themselves drifting apart. even though simon went travelling during his gap year, leaving ivy left with jj, the distance was futile and did not seem to effect her as much as it did like the thought of him going to university. but simon found himself back with jj and ivy in no time, realising university simply was not for him and both of them began to work for jj, helping with his merch.

jj knew that the two liked one another, simon told jj multiple times that he felt something for ivy, but couldn't bring himself to say anything in case it didn't benefit him whatsoever. and ivy told jj as soon as simon left for university that she liked him and that them sleeping together only intensified her feelings towards him. however, jj couldn't hold in the secrets anymore, one day finally blurting it out in front of the two, explaining they both like one another and to just "fucking do something about it" so they did.

but simon's new lifestyle suddenly became so demanding, beginning to grow quickly alongside his best friend, jj, and staying up until stupid hours gaming with his new friends, recording video's or editing. but ivy supported him every way, even if it meant neither of them speaking as often as usual because she was completely infatuated with him. they were young, naive and definitely in love with each other, they knew that, but simon simply became so obsessed with with his new career. ivy messed up her sleeping pattern for him, staying up with him to watch him play fifa, talking to these new guys online, she supported him in every way possible.

when simon and jj moved into the first sidemen house, it didn't appear too difficult for the couple, both able to drive. but ivy wanted to remain closer to home, simon insisted she moved with them, but she was not ready for a big move like that. she didn't have a similar lifestyle to them, but still remained helping simon and jj out as often as possible, she practically lived there even if she did not want to believe it.

however, when the four boys moved into the second sidemen house, things felt slightly different. the place was luxurious, ivy could not believe that the two boys she spent her teenage years with could find themselves in a place like this. the 24 hour security, the pool, the 6 bedrooms, it amazed her. however, watching the four boys constantly slumped in their rooms, up until stupid hours, not waking up until late in the afternoon, she could not handle a lifestyle similar, not at the time anyways. sadly, ivy received a lot of hate from fans with being simon's girlfriend, none of them could not understand why, but it made her fear social media in an era it was growing rapidly.

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