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ivy awoke with a raging hangover and pain soaring through every part of her body. she glared at the reminder on her phone, telling her she had a particular brand deal to post on instagram during the day and she let out a loud groan. the night before felt like a blur, trying to string her hazy memories of it together into some sort of timeline, but failing in the process. all she could remember was the reason why she left.

she laid in bed for a while longer, trying to motivate herself to get up and do something, but failed each time and instantly remembered why she chooses to not get that drunk. everything she did somehow reminded her of simon, even simply getting drunk. he was one of the first people she got drunk with, one of the first people she spent her first night out with, someone who frequently got on the same level as her when they drank, but it was enjoyable waking up beside him with the same severe symptoms the next morning. however, waking up on her own simply made her regret the abundance of alcohol she had previously consumed.

dragging her feet out of the bed, she instantly felt fragile as her legs wobbled beneath her. she trudged through the empty flat, curious as to when the girls would arrive home as she peered inside of the fridge, but the sight of food instantly made her feel sick to her stomach. shaking her head, she pulled her body back to her bedroom with very little energy. after curling her body beneath the covers, she felt her phone vibrate against the mattress and slowly glared at it.

from cal
i'm really sorry about last night, i overstepped. hope you can forgive me.

ivy sighed to herself, her eyes scanning over the message multiple times.

to cal
it's fine, no worries. glad you apologised, let's just forget about it

huffing, she rolled her eyes and attempted to push the entire situation to the back of her mind. it was an obvious mistake, but ivy felt as though she was making too many of those and was putting herself in an uncomfortable situation. she fucked things up with simon, now fucking things up with cal, what else could go wrong? it was more of a reason for her to regret moving to london.

nerves hit her as she glanced at the time, realising she had to post her brand deal. usually, ivy never felt anxious about them, but this time it was for a lingerie company that had got in touch with her and offered an affiliate code. she thought it could be something to boost her confidence, make her feel better about herself, but she had too many doubts due to her dispirited mindset. glancing at the photo she had taken a couple of days prior, she sighed to herself knowing that if she looked at it too long she would grow to hate it, so instead posted it without hesitation - an image of her posing on her bed in a lacy green set.

cringing, she threw her phone to the side, not wanting to pay attention to the notifications. she gazed over at her television, turning on 'sex education' and waited for her friends to return home.

after a couple of episodes, she finally heard the front door open and close and listened closely to footsteps shuffling through the flat. ivy cackled at the two girls who weakly stood in her doorway, holding their bodies up against the wall for support.

"fucking hell." ivy laughed, shaking her head at the two. sage stood with her heels in hand and mascara smeared under her eyes and esme wobbled around in her heels, wearing what appeared to be ethan's t-shirt and her hair was all over the place, "good night?"

"shut up." esme and sage murmured in unison, each walking towards their rooms as ivy struggled to hold back her giggles.

the two girls appeared back in ivy's room in no time, in much comfier clothes, makeup finally removed and their hair somewhat presentable. she gazed at them dive into bed beside her leaving ivy in the middle, tucking themselves underneath the covers. "i feel like shit." sage groaned.

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